Where is HE?

Oct 30, 2005 14:17

So last night..went to Mike and Ed's Halloween party. It was GREAT! Packed! I went with Polymnia, Rob and Rich. Polymnia started to not feel good from her cold, so i left with her and Rich and Rob stayed behind.

...Fast forward to this morning..Rob's car is still here and he is not.

He was supposed to be getting a ride back last night.

SO i call ed, (about 2 hours ago)..he says they dropped him off a the train station.

Rob is still not here..But his car is!

I hope he calls me so i can pick him up from wherever he may be.

Oh but this is the best part..wherever he is..hes in full costume with a bottle of wine, a wand with a crystal on top and a skull head decoration!

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