Urgh. I hate being sick. My head cold moved into my chest the other day and now I'm coughing like crazy and have almost no voice left. All this coughing is driving me crazy and killing my throat. Urgh.
But, on the bright side of things, my loan check came in today so now I have money! *happy dance* Now I can afford to cut and dye my hair like I've needed to do for at least two weeks now. And, more importantly, I can afford to buy my books for school. Thankfully, I'll be able to get all my books for less than $200, which is really exciting.
Oh, and I got a little writing done for
fanfic100. Now all I need to do is actually finish it, type it, and get it posted. No problem. Sure. No problem at all. Anyone want to lend me their muses? Anyone? Please? *puppy dog eyes*