The 2nd visit with Dr. N was a Red Light session for Tori. It went very well and he came out afterwards to say hello and ask if I had talked to my friend (whom I had mentioned I know) regarding the Red Light therapy. When I said I did and that she recommended varying levels of light, etc, he asked for the sources she had sent me and I told him I'd bring them by next time. He seemed very excited about getting new information on the topic and thanked me.
Tori's wing-pits are looking 85% better. I am simply amazed at the healing process. It's truly miraculous. I wish that I had taken photographs of the wounds before hand but I was just too upset to do it. I wanted to, the thought crossed my mind but I just couldn't bring myself to photograph how horrible her under-wings looked. Right now, they look almost all healed. I'm stunned with amazement.
Today Tori has a 3rd Red Light session and I am very eager to get her there. This has helped her immensely. Along with the Silvadene creme, the Red Light therapy has nearly completely healed her skin.
And.. the other part of the good news.. is that the herbal mix which he gave her seems to be really helping her skin not feel itchy and dry. She has not pulled out any feathers since the treatment began. She is growing in new fuzzy feathers where I haven't seen any in months and has not immediately pulled them out in a fit of rage like she's done in the past.
Also, I have her on a new diet which consists of my own organic mix of fresh veggies and fruit and the Avian Miracle Diet found here: as suggested by
blk_n_blu_dream and a few other folks on The Eclectus Connection emails of which I'm a part of. I have noticed that some days she has some very strong wing flipping episodes and others she's very soothed and calm. I am trying to pinpoint the cause of this and have heard that the AMD can sometimes cause WF in Eclectus parrots, which might be a sign of some sort of an irritant included in the food. I'll have to experiment this notion a bit more closely but I actually think that the WF is more of a response to the fresh food I offer 100% of the time instead of any dry mixes. I'll be looking to find some organic dry mixes but actually have been thinking of making my own.
I hope this is a sign of good things to come. She's looking so scraggly and poor right now but she's improving inside and out. She's maintaining good weight and eats like a pig and is being a good girl and not picking at her skin or feathers. I'm sure she's feeling much better inside.
I'll be discussing her sneezing / wing flipping with the doctor today. He is the one that stated he doesn't think we should put Tori in a collar just yet as he's been able to help other parrots heal from this very thing and he's been right so far. As I've stated before, he's exactly the opposite of the previous doctor but the previous doctor wasn't able to help Tori. I'm glad I found him and his clinic.