Last night rocked my face off. I think I was drunker than I've ever been before. Things got...interesting. I don't remember a lot of details about the end of the night. Eh. I had a good time. The party wasn't as big as it usually is, but that's kinda what I was going for. I felt like people were a little dissapointed, though. Whatever. Let someone else throw the massive party and fuck with the police.
Today has been a very lazy Sunday. I woke up surprisingly early and from there on I've pretty much just been drinking out of what was left in the kegs. One would think I would be way more drunk than I am right now. I guess if you spread drinking out over an entire day like that, you have time to absorb your buzz and be chill. As opposed to last night, where I drank hardcore for about two hours straight. The liquor did me in. I was fine until people started pouring me shots.
Grrrr. I was supposed to bartend tonight. I forgot all about that shit until my dad called me at like 7, after having drank since 11 am. He has another girl there working, though, so it shouldn't be too bad. I still feel like a douche, though. I wish he would have said something or reminded me last night.
Hahaha. My parents came to our party. How awesome is that?
But, yeah...I'm just chilling right now, waiting for the Sunday Stew to begin. I think I'm staying in tonight. My whole body is sore from last night. I don't think going out tonight would be the best thing to do.
We had some trick or treaters come by earlier. We totally weren't ready for that. Although, you would think we would have seen it coming, as we live in suburbia. The first group of kids that came by was some sad shit. David answered the door and was like, "Yeah...we don't have any candy. Sorry." Haha. We did go get some lollipops and shit from the store, though, so we were straight after that. Nothing better than passing out candy to children after you've been drinking for ten hours.
Gen saw a side of me she's never seen before last night. I actually just had a pseudo-fight over the phone with Aundre about that just a few minutes ago. He said she asked him last night if I was always like this, to which he replied, "Every time." So, I'm thinking she has a little bit of a different perception of me now. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love to get wild and crazy and party, but I don't think you would consider me one of those people that just gets trashed all the time. What he said he meant by his comment was that every time I drink heavily, I act like I acted last night...which is true. But I'm assuming she took it as, he gets wasted a lot...and I really don't. In the past year or so, I can name about five or six times where I've gotten hammered and shit has hit the fan...And I drink fairly regularly. My point is, I don't get fucked up like I got fucked up last night all the time. It's a pretty rare thing, actually. And I don't want her to perceive me that way, well, because it's not an accurate perception of me.
She seemed a little distant this morning. I talked to her a little while ago and she said she was going downtown for James' birthday dinner and then going to bed early. Hmm...I dunno. I'm probably digging a little too deeply into this, but I'm starting to take a real liking to her, and I'm trying my damndest not to fuck it all up.
We went to the beach the other night and cuddled under the pier for about an hour. That was real nice. Things like that make me glad I'm in a relationship. And it's not just that I'm in a relationship...I'm in a relationship with somebody that I'm actually digging and it's just a good feeling.
OK. I'm gonna turn down the emo-meter a few nothces and go watch some Music Television. I'll put some pictures up here in a little while.
Quote of the night: "I ain't stoppin' 'till I puke on a nigger." --- Me, spoken while drunk and beligerant and standing next to a black man.
Gen and I
Erin, Josh, Ashley, Gen, and myself
Kurt, Ashley, and myself
Sarah, Jessica, me, Ashley, and Heather
Jessica, Ashley, David, Daphyne (my step-mom), me, Gen, and my dad
Kurt and Ashley
And here's a picture of me and David from a couple weeks ago that I like. I dunno who the other guy in the picture is...