wow.. it has been a LONG time

Jun 09, 2005 15:12

okay, so my computer has been acting up and it like.. broke down.. so i finally got it back up and running again. blargh that was a pain! >:o prom was.. "unforgetable" just as the theme said it would be. I spent it with the greatest people ever! and of course.. the greatest boyfriend/husband in the whole wide world!:) it's been 4 months for us and we are totally and completley head over heels inlove<3. & i wouldn't change/trade that for the world. he's stayed the night twice now.. and one time at paul's (after prom party). i swear.. i'm done. he's it. he's my husband we're married thatis it. (in his words only when he says it he says "you're my wife" haha:) ) anywho.. so obviously you can tell we're doing wonderfully:). friends are still grrrreat! love them all! the last day of school was yesterday! woooo hoooo! 8) i'm a big junior now! & larry a big senior! yay! i'm soo glad it's summertime! i went to take my driving test yesterday.. failed.:( i knew i was gonna though. I HATE PARALLEL PARKING!!!>:o especially since they set it up in the middle of a parking lot, with no curb to park against, and you couldn't really judge it the well.:/ they've never done that for anyone else.. but of course they do that for me. i fucking hate that place! oh well.. next wed. i go back again. and until then.. i'll be practicing parking inbetween cones! well.. that's really all that's been going on. update more laterr<3

but my god it's so beautiful when that boy smiles.. wanna hold him:) i love you larry michael:)
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