some just plainly sux ass

Nov 23, 2005 15:25

just so that everyone knows, there are some ppl who r fucking dirtbags. n those ppl who r dirtbags, im not helping them with anything anymore. some ppl r just gay. i was using my friends comp n i wouldnt get off but i was gonna install the printer in the comp she was using. just as im about to finish, she goes on the comp i was using. i love it how ill help someone then they just rip me off. why does this always have to happen to me. n i wasnt in the mood at the time, cause my back was still hurting. cause my back was extremly hurting yesterday, to the point i couldnt move my arm without much pain. n someother fat ass bitch likes to take most dougnuts in voc, leavin have the ppl with none. she acts like she is better then ppl, when she acually isnt. I HATE PPL WHO LIKE THEY R BETTER THEN OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!

so for now on im only going to help certains friends such as my bowling friends n certain friends from skool if they ever need advice or help with anything.
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