bye, bye snow

Mar 15, 2009 11:02

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Blue skies, the sun is shining and it is getting warm. according to my outside thermometer it is already almost 50 here. I would say about 3/4 of the snow is gone out of my yard. But that also means that my winter parking spot tends to get flooded and be muddy. So after church this morning I chose to start back parking on the other side of the house again. There is still snow there but that side at least tends to soak in when it melts not create lakes. This also means I can start using my back door now to go in and out. In the winter due to ice,snow and slippery steps I don't use the back door or the back parking area.

I do however remember one spring my late husband created a man sitting on a chair with a fishing pole in his hand right there in the lake in the driveway. Got a lot of stares and comments that is for sure.

I am enough of a realist not to move the snow blower to the garage just yet. It will stay on the back porch for a few more weeks just in case. After all it is still state tournament time.

Have a great day everyone. Go out and enjoy the sun and warm weather if you can. Get out the motorcycles if you have them and go for a joy ride. Enjoy the day.
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