Not sure if i want to or not now.

Jan 09, 2011 23:37

Okay, i dont want to be a jump the bandwagon kinda gal,  since i have been wanting to do it forever, im not sure now, since it seems like EVERYONE is doing it. I love taking photos, i already to it anyways, and i love to share. Should i do it for myself and just have fun with it, or do i let others bug me. HmmmmMM thats the question.

blah dont know...

start back at school this week, not really sure if im gonna be able to handle it, whips my energy out so much. Wasnt able to get online classes like i wanted :( EPIC FAIL on that .

schedule is as follows :
Tuesday: Web Page Scripting 1-5pm
Wednesday:Advertising Concepts  6-10pm
Friday: Essentials of Math 1-5pm

randoms, nesummers, sociuscriminis
