
Aug 27, 2012 06:47

OMG, this past week was crazy. So, besides my BOE jumping down my throat, my friend has been staying with me, and it was so freaking difficult getting stuff done with her here because I only have one internet line and she had to always be entertained.

This morning she left, and I'm like, "YEAH." Love her, but I'm so used to being without a roommate, it was really weird having her here for a week and my space was starting to feel cramped. Not to mention, my BOE wasn't happy at all that I had a friend over, even though it doesn't effect them at all, so like, total confusion on why they cared, but I was told Friday that I always need to tell them when I have a guest staying in my apartment....

And, I have all these books for people, too, so I hope people didn't mind too terribly that I had to wait to get back to them.

(alll the money I spent this week too, keeping my friend occupied makes me feel gross. She also didn't bring enough money for the things she wanted to do, so I had to lend her a couple of man >___>)


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