Mar 23, 2007 20:41
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6-ish
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls...they remind me of the ocean...
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? lol Um... Harry Potter? I really don't remember. It's been a while.
4. What are your favorite TV shows? House Hunters, Good Eats, Designed to Sell...history channel, National Geographic type stuff...though I don't watch much TV. (I don't want to set a bad example for Gabriel.)
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Some Pilsbury ready to bake bunny cookies that I'd made yesterday, some OJ and water, and a cheese stickster for protein.
6. What is your middle name? Nicole
7. What is your favorite cuisine? I don't really have a favorite. I like REAL chinese...not a big fan of Americanized chinese, Thai, Indian, Japanese, Mexican, Cuban...and Peruvian. I love Peruvian food. Oh, German and English fare is also pretty tasty. I suppose I just like food in general and tend to eat in the moment.
8. What foods do you dislike? Liver. KFC. ::shrug::
9. Favorite chips? I like tostitos with salsa.
10. What is your favorite CD? My pleasant dreams CDs they were gifts.
11. What kind of car do you drive? A '98 Toyota Camry. An ugly one. I want a minivan. Am I crazy?
12. What is your favorite sandwich? I like roast beef with tomato, lettuce, and swiss. I also like Cuban sandwiches.
13. What characteristics do you despise? The inability to listen to someone else's pov.
14. What are your favorite clothes? Right now? The maternity pants I bought from Target yesterday. I LOVE them...too bad I won't be pregnant for very much longer. I also like my green zippered sweater.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on Vacation? Pablo could visit his family and I can see where he comes from.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? I don't have one.
17. Where would you want to retire? Somewhere peaceful and warm...with no pollen. :o)
18. Favorite time of day? Sunrise for viewing pleasure and reminising (sp?). Midday for being out in the warmth. I also like night time...lots of stars.
19. Where were you born? Miami, FL. (Well, Homestead, FL but it's still Miami.)
20. What is your favorite sport to watch? I like to watch runners...
21. Who do you think will not send this back? n/a
22. Person you expect to send it back first? n/a
23. Pepsi or Coke? Neither.
24. Beavers or ducks? Ducks?
25. Are you a morning person or a night owl? It depends on my mood.
26. Pedicure or manicure? oh pedicure. I love pedicures. (Ditto with Julia.) I could care less about my long as they're clean they're good. Years of violin playing requiring non existant nails has taken my hand vanity away. (Not that I ever had any...)
27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? No baby today. :o)
28. What did you want to be when you were little? A writer.
29. What is your best childhood memory? Christmas at my mom's mom would run through the house at 5am screaming, "Santa came!"
30. Piercing? Ha. I had 16 piercings at one time in my life. I now have 4. (Two in each ear.)
31. Ever been to Africa? Nope.
32. Ever been toilet papering? Nope.
33. Been in a car accident? Several. One bad one.
34. Favorite Day of the week? Sunday. I get Pablo and Gabriel all day and I don't have to work.
35. Favorite restaurant? I had a few in Miami. None here...even though there are some that I really like.
36. Favorite Flower? I like the smell of roses and the appearance of daisies.
36. Least Favorite Flower? The blooms of the bradford pear tree. They smell like fish.
37. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla bean.
38. Favorite fast food restaurant? I don't think I have one anymore.
39. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
40. From whom did you get your last email? Duke Energy letting me know that my statement is available.
41. In which stores would you choose to max out your credit card? I wouldn't want to max out my credit card anywhere...but winning a shopping spree would be nice.
42. Bedtime? I'm tired by 9:30pm now but try to wait up for Pablo...anywhere between 10:30pm and 1am
43. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? everyone!
44. Last person you went to dinner with? Liisa and her two boys and Gabriel. (I eat dinner with Gabriel every night.)
45. What are you listening to right now? The humming of the hard drive...
46. What is your favorite color? Green. I also like grey and blue.
47. How many tattoos do you have? I don't know...I forgot. 11 or 12?
48. How many are you sending this email to? Nobody. It's posted and they can copy & paste if they want
49. What kind of pets do you have? A husband, two dogs and a kitty. ;oP
50. Do you have any kids and or grandkids? I have Gabriel and his little brother who is still 'baking'.