Reims Academy ★ Application

May 29, 2011 14:22

( fandom student application )

PLAYER: Justine
AGE: 20
CONTACT: AIM: syaorannotenshi | E-mail:
PERSONAL LJ: starlight_19

NAME: Syaoran Li [clone]
CANON: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle [ツバサ-RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-]
AGE: not stated in canon but looks about 16-17 years old. I'll go for 17.
ENROLLMENT: Academic Scholarship


Syaoran has scruffy short brown hair and warm brown eyes. He stands about 5"7 in height and has a lean built. From his fights and training, he's not all skin and bones. Underneath that skin lies strong muscles but his lean built doesn't give way to a buff look. He's often seen with his green cape and goggles dangling from his neck (sometimes on his head). Also with a black sleeveless tank top, cargo pants and a pair of traveler's boots.


Syaoran's personality was greatly shaped by one person: His foster father, Fujitaka. The kindness the man showed him was incomparable for Syaoran. He never treated him like he was of different blood. Instead, he raised him like his own child that Syaoran couldn't be any more thankful. So when Fujitaka died, he took it upon himself to never forget the memories he has of him and make sure he'd follow in the footsteps of the person who guided him while growing up because he felt like Fujitaka had done so many good things to him. It was just but fair for him to do the same.

This gave way to his undying determination. When he was out in the streets, the idea of never giving up didn't occur to him. Mostly due to the fact that Fujitaka gave his life to raise a little boy like him, so now he would try and raise himself into someone his foster father could be proud of. He wouldn't die. He would live on for the man that he came to know as his father.

He's also very selfless to people he cares about the most. He didn't think of himself when Fujitaka was away most of the time to tend to his job. No, Syaoran thought of how the job made his foster father happy and how it also makes him happy to see him happy. He didn't become selfish and complain at Fujitaka for always leaving him. Instead, he thought of other ways to busy himself in his absence. Syaoran knew just how much the job meant to him. He even rushed to the street when Sakura was hit, throwing away his own welfare in hopeless abandon. He also wouldn't often think of his own safety when he protects little children or helpless people in the streets whenever he can.

His strength of heart is also a notable trait. Amidst everything, he still finds a reason to live day by day, mostly for his foster father's memory. Despite the misery he feels from the fact that he was all alone during that time Fujitaka died, Syaoran continues to fight passionately for his life, making sure to survive day after day. He would fight anything, even people who try to harm him or people who try to harm other people, just to live.

Syaoran is also very polite. He would address people with certain respect - giving them what's due to them. Fujitaka made sure of this while he raised him that little Syaoran grew up to be a polite boy. This respect, however, goes hand in hand with his dedication towards people. He worries for their welfare, always feeling like he should help them the same way they're helping him in his life. This ultimately presents us Syaoran's loyalty as well. He knows who his friends are and won't hesitate to defend them if needed be, aiding them when they're in a pickle but at the same time respecting their decisions. If they don't want him helping, he'll respect that. If they don't want him worrying, he'll also respect that. But that doesn't mean he didn't want to help or worry in the first place.

He's a bit shy and innocent as well, often blushing whenever dealt with uncomfortable situations. He feels awkward whenever dealt with his romantic feelings since he grew up not having anyone special in that way, mostly because he and Fujitaka tend to move a lot. Syaoran also has an odd quirk when it comes to history and archaeology. He would often go fanboy about certain artifacts and would become extremely fascinated and curious about it. This mainly came from his foster father's inclination with the subject.

He doesn't want people worrying for his welfare too to the point where he would hide what he feels to them. Back then, he felt like a burden to the people close to him especially to Fujitaka since, at first, he usually gets injured from doing household chores. He felt like he's giving him reason to worry and be upset. Whenever he'll get hurt, Fujitaka will often tell him not to hide his pain because he's willing to worry for him if he lets him. They're family, after all. Fujitaka often tells him to let him worry for him because if he worries, it means he cares.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Syaoran is good with computers. He knows how to work them well since he uses them for research and websurfing a lot. He knows the basics such as IM, e-mail and facebook. He's technically geeky and can probably hack a code, too. He's a fast learner, so if he learns about the codes, he can hack. Although, he's also not one to hack someone's private entries since he's not one to pry.


Life was simple for Syaoran who lived most of his life in Japan. Even if he wasn't able to meet his real parents who were Chinese in origin because they left him in an orphanage when he was still a baby, his foster father - Fujitaka Li - made sure that he got all the attention and affection he needed while growing up. Adopted ever since he was a little boy, Syaoran never really questioned Fujitaka about his real parents. For him, his foster father was enough guidance he needed to go through life. Although, Fujitaka wasn't always at home since his job as an archaeologist required him to work extensive hours.

However, this was never something that made Syaoran resent his foster father. He was grateful that the man took him in and that alone was enough reason for him not to. If anything, the fact that Fujitaka wasn't always at home made him more independent and determined. While other kids played their favorite game, he was washing the dishes and cleaning the house. These experiences never made him pity himself, rather he used them to strengthen his entire being. That, and these were the least he could do to express his gratitude towards the man that raised him like his own son.

It wasn't like Fujitaka was always out for work. Sometimes, he'd bring him to the excavation sites he'd usually work on. This ultimately exposed Syaoran to the kind of life his foster father lead and he found this life quite fascinating. The more Fujitaka brought him along, the more Syaoran found himself loving the job to the point where he vowed to himself he'd have it as a future career. Upon knowing this, Fujitaka was delighted and made sure to buy Syaoran books about it and to expose him more to the work.

His inclination towards the job didn't wane even while he went through elementary school. Unlike all those childhood dreams kids have where they want to become an astronaut but end up liking medicine in the long run. Syaoran was dedicated to what he wanted and read every book about archaeology there was. For a kid his age, he was already a wide reader and equipped himself of the necessary knowledge required of him. It wasn't like he wasn't friendly towards the other children of his own age. Syaoran made some friends, but it was hard to keep them when his foster father's job required them to move around a lot. The longest time they stayed in a town or city was for two years and it wasn't enough time to keep a strong friendship going.

All this came crumbling when Fujitaka died from an excavation accident when Syaoran was eleven. This event in his life had Syaoran wandering the streets since Fujitaka didn't have a close relative he could entrust Syaoran to. He lost everything - the house they were formerly staying in and their furniture. The only thing Syaoran had left was a framed picture of him and his foster father. Since he was accustomed to moving, Syaoran moved to the next town after Fujitaka's death, bringing along with him some money and food. In the streets, Syaoran had to learn how to fight for himself which wasn't a hard thing to do considering how independent he was even when Fujitaka was still alive. He developed street smarts amid his book smarts and also his own skills in fighting. He was tough and it showed on how he honed himself in martial arts in order to survive. He didn't stop in just fending for himself. Syaoran made sure to defend people who were just like him in his own ways. He could greatly relate to people who had experienced the same situations like he did, so he made certain to help them if needed be.

During this time, Syaoran wasn't completely alone. One day, he found a little kitten in the garbage can who always seemed to follow him wherever he went. Deciding it wouldn't bad to adopt the little creature, Syaoran made friends with it and had it as a pet. Syaoran gave it the name Sakura and he fondly treated the kitten like his very own companion. It filled the loneliness and solitude he felt when he began to wander the streets. He promised to himself he'll never let anything bad happen to it. Until one rainy Christmas Eve, while Syaoran was off to get them food to eat, Sakura abruptly crossed the street. Syaoran followed her, but was too late as a speeding container van hit the poor kitten. In an attempt to revive her, Syaoran picked the kitten up carefully but he was soon hit by another speeding vehicle.

After a few days, he woke up in a hospital where the couple in the car rushed him in. Feeling immediate remorse and guilt for what they have done, they proposed on adopting Syaoran. At first, Syaoran seemed to have lost his smile after a year of tough street life and the loss of two important things in his life, but when the kind young couple developed fondness for him and showed him the affection Fujitaka showed him before, he warmed up again. The same Syaoran that Fujitaka adopted before returned. The couple were both stewards in an airline, so Syaoran didn't see them all that much as well. But they were well off and they made him study in a private school where Syaoran became an achiever. He had to transfer to Reims, though, because the couple finally bought another house near it where they would be staying for good.

Of course, after everything that happened, Syaoran's desire for archaeology didn't waver and the couple understood this. It was a good thing, then, that he got an Academic Scholarship in Reims.


Good morning, Reims student body.

My classmate in Asian History is having trouble finding a textbook. Does anyone have one or, at least, know where she can buy one? If you do possess a copy, are you willing to lend it? I don't mean to be a bother to anyone, though, but any kind of help will be appreciated. Thank you all for you time!

I'll be waiting near the lockers if anyone's willing. In return, I can help anyone who's having trouble with their computers and if anyone's having trouble with their academics. Again, thank you.


The class ended with an ease. History had always been one of his strong subjects. In archaeology, one would come across the different histories of various cultures, so while reading through many archaeology books, Syaoran read about them in passing. Like his interest in archaeology, Syaoran was always fascinated by how events could lead into a conclusion. Like how various elements concluded into the artifact he'd usually ogle over.

Carrying his books, Syaoran walked over to his locker. Later at three, they would be having another soccer practice and as much as he'd like to spend his afternoons studying and reading more in the library, he has duties to the team. That, and playing soccer and unwinding with the rest of his teammates didn't sound bad at all. In fact, it was always a good break from all the studying. Smiling as he opened his locker, he store away all his thick history books and proceeded to get his soccer ball and practice clothes. He was about to close his locker when he noticed a little note under some of his books. Blinking, he got it and opened it. His vision adjusted to the words inside.


You're an amazing person and I like how dedicated and steadfast you are. Keep being awesome! I hope to hear more of your insights and see you more on the field.

Miss Terious ♥

P.S. You have the cutest blush~

Immediately after reading, Syaoran blushed a bright red, instantly folding the letter back and storing it inside his locker. Was that a secret admirer? He was at a loss. If his foster father was here, he'd probably tease him and tell him to find out who the person was. The thought of Fujitaka had him possessing a soft smile. He was the reason why he was here now. Fate made it possible for him to have a foster father like him. He didn't resent his death, even if it was very painful at the time. There was a reason why he was taken away and probably one of which was to give this lonely couple the chance to be happy, too.

Thinking about his foster father made Syaoran bring out a pen and paper too before he closed his locker. Fujitaka would have wanted him to respond and he found he wanted to respond too. Such kindness should be rewarded. But before he could turn around to head for the locker rooms, Syaoran caught glimpse of bullies stuffing someone inside one of the lockers. There wasn't even any hesitation on the brunet's part as he rushed to the scene. Being an ace player to the soccer team has its perks when it came to speed.

"Please let him out." He warned, despite the politeness of his words. His face was determined upon approach, his voice low and threatening. No one deserved to be put down and Syaoran would make sure of it.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Yup! Syaoran's not one to hack codes so no rabid wombats, please. 8D

ooc, application, reims academy

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