Nov 05, 2003 23:51
My mom wants me to go to Western and become a journalist.
Robyn wants me to go to Ryerson.
Brandon wants me to go to U of Arizona.
Terran wants me to go to U of Waterloo.
Mike S. wants me to go to U of Michigan.
Jenny wants me to go to U of Toronto.
Kevin wants me to go to Brock.
Leah wants me to go to Trent.
Matt wants me to go to Wilfrid Laurier.
Where am I going? What am I doing with my life?
It's like I have no guidance. I don't think I really care. A journalist, an urban planner, an actress, a writer, a poetist...
Greg always told me to be a poetist. That he would support my poetism until I became a poetist. Well, where is he now? Where is he when I'm making my huge life decisions and need some down-to-earth input and advice?
...Off with his controlling girlfriend, that's where.
What the hell am I going to do with my life; what the hell am I going to do. There's no question mark because it's not a question. It's just a meaningless sentence. And one that I repeat over and over to myself.