Super backdated post on Elliot

Apr 07, 2008 23:01

In a week's time, Elliot will be 18 months. As of today,

- he loves music and dancing. Any slightest hint of a beat and he jumps ups and starts dancing. He's a very expressive dancer, with hand, shoulder and body movements so groovy that our friend Eli says he's got black blood. I've been trying to put together a video of him dancing but his dancing is so hilarious that I just watching them over and over again, unable to decide which shots to include.

- he still wakes up in the middle of the night, crying for milk. I haven't had a night of uninterrupted sleep (maybe just once or twice) since he was born. He doesn't actually want or need milk, he basically just wants to sleep on our bed. It's too late now, we've let him sleep on our bed when he was littler, and now there's no turning back. Really bad mistake.

- he's off the pacifier, somewhat weaned himself off at 16 months. That was the same time Emma weaned herself off it.

- he's finally starting to appreciate boy stuff, like vehicles. Previously, he would want to play with Emma's toys. He'd choose her Barbie over a cool looking machine, and loved to strut around the house with her handbags. He'd also try to put her harclips on his head. It was such a cause for concern that recently, we had to devise a plan that would bring out his manhood. Everytime we went to Toys R Us, I'd buy him a Tomy vehicle. Isaiah also packed a whole bag of cars for him. It seems to have worked, and today he loves his crane most of all.

- he's still mummy's boy. Loves me most of all, and has started to push Emma away when she's come over to give me a hug. He'll then hug me and not let go.

- I take back all I've said about him being the quiet(er) one. He's definitely not quiet, and he talks just as much as his sister does. He's speaking so much and has started to string words together, like 'Che-che's water bottle', 'I want mummy carry', 'I wanna see penguin, mummy', (referring to kachunknorge's userpic), 'Milk, please', 'So many cars', 'There, crane!'...He's also learnt to identify and call people by name, the ones we often meet, like Uncle Hoi Hoong, Aunty Jojo, Baby Miriam, Kor Kor (can't quite say Isaiah yet), Uncle Con, Aunty Jessie, Treva, Berkley, Aunty Jade, Jared (hmm...wonder if he's called Uncle Lester), Tita Grace, Tita Lourdes...

- Sometime last month, he started taking a huge interest in Sesame Street characters. His favourite book is what he calls 'Elmo book', given to him by Emma's Godma June. Here's how he reads it.

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elliot's milestones

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