Jun 30, 2007 14:08
While brushing her teeth this morning, Emma started playing with the water. She filled her cup up but instead of rinsing her mouth, she poured it away. I stopped her.
Mummy: Don't waste water, Emma. Water is precious.
Emma: Precious?
Mummy: Yes, precious. Precious means...
Emma: Like Jesus?
Mummy: ??
Emma: Like Jesus, right, mummy?
Mummy: Err...yes. I guess you can say so. You mean Jesus is precious to you?
Emma: No! Like that...(and then she started singing...)
"Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
All are precious in his sight!"
Mummy: (beaming) Oh yes! You are precious in his sight!
Jesus loves the little children of the world!