A quick update. Apparently my haemoglobin levels are rather low at 10.1, so I have to pop extra iron pills and folic acid even at this late stage. I don't know whether it's because I've been forgetting my multivitamins throughout this pregnancy! Dr Teoh says everything's progressing well. I've put on another kilogram since the last check 2 weeks ago and Thumper's growing well - at a hefty 3kg at 36 weeks (!) and the usual stuff - active, big head, sufficient amniotic fluid. He says I should prepare to deliver in two weeks' time. That's my gynae's assessment of the situation.
As for me, I can't see beyond this:
At 36 weeks...
- outgrown almost all my maternity clothes from the previous pregnancy
- haven't been sleeping well, with all that movement inside
- pant when I climb up a short flight of stairs
- can't sit in the same position for long
- can't stand for long
- can't walk for long
- feel like I'm about to burst!
I can't believe that in my last pregnancy, I was still able to dance the night away four weeks before Emma arrived! Am I getting old or what??
Evidence of my huge bump in the
next post...