Mar 07, 2010 18:51
"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." - Oscar Wilde
It's a good quote, I think. Anywho, so I suppose I'm overdue for an update here. Dave is being so kind as to let me use his computer for an actual blog and he is (apparently) going to fiddle with his drums.
Let me start by saying I've had some might strange dreams as of late. I dreamed that Dave's mother died (friday night). I called her Saturday morning... just to verify it was a dream. It was. I had some other dreams that I care not to mention. Last night, I had a handful of dreams yet again... one of which was Kevin (Misti's boyfriend that drives me NUTS.. but is a nice guy) telling me they broke up. I also had a dream where Dave and I did stuff.... and he didn't use protection. I freaked out because he didn't, and he said something along the lines of "what's the use? you're already pregnant.".... and then some other stuff I don't care to elaborate on in here because I'd feel like an absolutely horrible person. Anywho.
Today was much like yesterday... counting down the minutes until I can go back to work. I've been very unhappy this weekend... and that's really just the tip of the ice burg. Speaking of ice... my hands feel like it. It is freakin' COLD down here! So anyway, I went to go through my tea. Most is past the "best by" date, albeit still tasty, I just don't want it. I didn't want to take it to work and make everyone drink it past date if they didn't know, and not many would want it otherwise.... so I figured I'd give it to Misti, and what she didn't want she could give to Kevin. I drove over there unannounced. I knocked, she answered. Dave stood behind me. I mentioned I didn't want it and that maybe she would want it and Kevin might like it. She said "about that... we broke up last night."
Good gravy... I just had a dream about that last night, and it happened last night. I reeeeeeeeeeally hope my other dreams don't come true too... that would be troublesome. Very troublesome.
So yeah. That's that. I don't know... I feel a bit apprehensive about posting the other thoughts and dreams here. I know this isn't a place for others to judge.... but, inevitably, it would become that whether intentional or not. Let's just say that I've been unhappy, and I haven't worn my wedding ring all weekend... nor do I plan on wearing it all week. Partial reasoning for that is that my hands are icicles, and that makes the ring bigger than my finger. I don't want to lose my diamond, and the whole ring is just plopping around on my hand at this point. That aside, I just don't feel like wearing it and being reminded of it. I just don't want it on right now.