Briefly still

Mar 05, 2010 18:49

I'm not writing a full thought-spilling entry... you'll get that tomorrow while Dave is getting a haircut at massage. I feel bad taking his computer from him and making him entertain himself... although I'm pleased he's chosen playing his guitar for that entertainment. He is sitting right behind me and playing beautifully. -sighs happily-

It's chilly in this basement. I can't wait for at least one computer back! For those of you who have no idea why my computers are gone, here's a mini-recap:

Laptop is so viral that it will not function

Desktop restarts every 10 minutes or so

...and that leaves us with just Dave's computer. So here I am, typing as my fingers numb from the chilly basement air. I finished my first 10 hours a day work week... 6am - 4:30 pm (30 min lunch) mon. thru fri. I must say I enjoy it, and I asked for that to be my new permanent schedule (until they take away over time). Today, however, I drank too much tea before 8am and made 3 pee-runs between 8am and 9:30am. Yep. Lotsa tea. Mmmm, jasmine green tea.

Hopefully Fianna will not knock on our door at 4am this morning. If she does, she's liable to end up locked in a cat carrier... actually, no. Then she'll be crying and I won't sleep well anyway. Something has to work out! She's been good on weekends, but last weekend we went to SW OH, so who knows. I do hope to get stuff done around the house... catch up on all the laundry, maybe purchase a broom (since ours broke from cleaning off our snow-covered cars). Oh, speaking of snow, we only have about a foot in our front yard now! YAY SUNSHINE!!!!! There are sections of grass all around town... but our front yard gets little sunlight other than early in the morning.

Okay, seriously, can't feel my fingers. Going to stop typing now!
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