Aug 15, 2008 01:05

Whooo! Does it look like me? Hehehe. Went to Star Trek: The Experience today to get lunch at Quark's. We ended up also getting this portrait done. You can't really see, but my mom's a Klingon and my dad's a Ferengi. I am of course an Andorian...three races that perfectly fit our personalities, right?

Apparently the entire Experience is closing at the end of the month...that is SO sad to me! The first time I went to the Experience, I was probably 12. I'm 19 now and I've been to the Experience at least 5 times. It's been such a great place to go and get to be totally in your element if only for a few hours. I really only get to meet Trekkies in person at conventions, so it was always nice knowing that there was a permanent place that one could visit and be totally immersed in Trek. Not only was the Experience a great gathering also had the world's largest collection of Star Trek merchandise for sale. There's something really special about shopping for Star Trek merchandise in person and not on the internet. ;( R.I.P. ST:TE.

I get back to Orlando tomorrow night. I finally got my housing information for Agnes Scott. My roommate seems really nice and, she lives in Winter Garden, FL, which is a little over a half an hour away from where I live! Hopefully we'll be able to meet before we head off to college. :3

star trek, fangirling, geekiness

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