This is gonna be hard to read because I can't be bothered to bold the questions. Sorry all.
1. Name : Sammy Loyd
2. Birthday : 2nd August
3. School : Age 2-3 = Happy Talk Playgroup, 4-6 = Wootey Infant School, 7-10 = Wootey Junior School, 11-15= Amery Hill School, 16-17 = Guildford College. Then LEEEEEEEDS as of september. :O
4. Residency: A semi-detatched house at the moment, but as of september it'll be a uni room.
5. Family :Mum, Dad, twin sister, younger brother. (Katie, you lie.)
6. Personality : I'm generally happy, very empathetic... um... I make friends pretty easily.. etc etc.
7. Good Qualities : I'm nice. Don't want to boast but I am. and that's a nice quality. I never would stab someone in the back or deliberately set out to upset someone because that's just poor.
8. Bad Qualities : I try to keep other people happy but don't always say if I'm not happy. It's not a bad thing for me really because I don't like to whine, but when other people notice you're cross or something and you aren't showing it, then it usually ends up badly.
9. Hobbies : Piano... I suppose japanese is a hobby, but soon it'll be what I'm studying so it won't really be the same.. I don't know really.
10. Religion : Athiest.
11. Height : 5"2
12. Weight : Don't weigh myself~
13. Bloodtype : Don't know, don't care. :P
14. Shoe Size : 5 or 6
15. Favorite Genre of music : There's so many o_o I like loads of genres so..I don't really know.
16. Favorite Singers : Too many to list!
17. Favorite Season : Autumn.
18. Favorite Food : I'm not sure if I have a favourite food... I like italian food I suppose.. I don't know, I like loooots of types of food. XD
19. Place I want to go : Thailand. :(
20. My ideal : Someone nice.
21. My worries as of now : I suppose it'd be going to uni, but that's exciting too. I'm worried about what electives to take.. lol.
22. First Love : Probably Ryan. But I can't really say because I don't really know. lol.
23. Alcohol Tolerance : Pretty good.
24. Drinking Habits : I don't like getting drunk, but I like having drinks with friends or having wine at home or whatever.
25. Most important friends : May, and also the GCK!! I'm gonna miss them loads when I'm in leeds. :(
26. Treasure #1: ??
27. When I look the best : When I have make-up on.
28. When I look sexiest : Lol don't be silly.
29. Hairstyle as of now : Long, brownish-red with a side fringe which seriously needs a cut. omg split ends :(
30. Clothes you are wearing right now : Topshop lion PJs.
31. Your form : ...? I'm... sat on a chair?
32. What's in your pocket : PJs don't have pockets.. :/
33. First time drinking : So long ago!! Probably baileys at teresa's house. D:
34. Favorite colors : Depends. I like purple most, but for clothes I like dark blue and dark green. But for things I own I like pale colours.
35. Thing you want from your significant other : PRESENTS. HAHAHA.
36. Age you want to get married : I don't know if I want to ever marry because I don't think you need to, but if I was going to get married then... 28?
37. What you do when you're home alone : ... the same things I do when there are people in...
38. Habits : Making a mess if that counts.. Um... correcting grammar and stupid things like that. hahaha.
39. Highest placement in school: First.
40. Difference between men and women : That requires more thinking than I'm prepared to do right now.
41. If you were born again, man or woman : A man. I want to know how nice a life without boobs would be. (CURSE YOU BREASTS!!)
42. What you think you were in your previous life : I don't believe in that stuff. But.. if I was to humour the question then probably a bird. because I ... like birds?
43. If the person you loved cheated on you : (no katie, it's not naive, it's stupid. of COURSE you can love someone who could cheat on you because it's not like you KNOW they'd do it omg.)
Anyway, my answer is... they'd be kicked in the crotch and dumped.
44. Favorite at Noraebang : Never beeen unless the karaoke room in thailand counts but I didn't know any of the songs except Potato. But that's for a mans voice so... couldn't even sing that! :'(
45. What you want to do when it rains : Stay inside.
46. If you were on a deserted island what would you take : A torch, some food/water and some clothes. And a radio so I could go home when I wanted.
47. How many kids : One or Two.
48. Who do you want to see the most right now : Maaay :(
49. Favorite snacks : Crisps~ But low fat ones because I have a ridiculously crappy metabolism.
50. Allowance : I work so... I don't have one.
51. Favorite restaurants : La Tasca. Mmm.
52. To be dumped or do you dump : That'd depend on the situation.. some of these questions are stupid...
53. Why did you write the answer to the question above : ... ¬_¬
54.What I want right now : I'd like some money...
54. When do you think you’ve grown up : Whenever. I'm pretty grown up but I still act childishly a lot of the time.
55. Country you want to go to : Thailand, Japan, Germany, Maybe china because I'd like to see the pandas. and the mountains.
56. What you think about other people : Omg ridiculous question is ridiculous. Depends on the individual.
57. What would you do if you confessed: Uuuummm.. I probably wouldn't. If I did, I'd be really embaressed. XD
58. Place you want to go with your other : DISNEYLAND! that'd be fun. :) Or just somewhere nice.
59. Ideal vacation spot : THAILAND x 87482937420343. Best country EVER.
60. Favorite TV show : Inbetweeners, Mock the Week... I think that's it. I don't watch much tv..
61. Thoughts when you’re in rain : It's usually this: D: or maybe this: ¬_¬
62. When I feel happy : When I've had a nice day.
63. Most recent movie watched : Tropic Thunder (omg so funny :'D)
64. Movie watched with the most feeling : Sad Movie, Brokeback Mountain, Kite Runner, Stuart: A life backwards (OMG so sad because it's true ;_;)
65. Could you marry someone else for the person you loved : This is such a kdrama/film question. lol. and no, the question's stupid.
66. What you want to do for the person you love : Buy lego. lol.
67. I want to die when : when I'm ready to die? I don't know. If I was really really old, then I'd want to die.
68. You think you’re a player : lol no.
69. If you found 100k in the road : Keep it, get through uni without any debt, buy my mum a new house, go to thailand... etc etc.
70. When you were most hurt : I feel most hurt when people are nasty to me without a reason.
71. I hate guys that : (stealing katie's answers here)Are shallow and ignorant.
72. I hate girls that : Are shallow and ignorant. And girls who are sluts.
73. If you were to become invisible : I'd follow people round ans see what they do.
74. When someone makes you mad: I... feel.. mad? No actually I usually feel upset.
75. Favorite saying: I don't have one. :( Except... "noodl,... don't noodle.."
76. If someone you met for the first time were to ask for you number : LOL some creeper did that to me in guildford. I was horrified and just gave him my number so he'd leave, then didn't answer any of his calls and waited until he stopped ringing. worked pretty well.
77. Nicknames : Samwise, Samzibar, Sammy brown (because there are two sammys in my friend group and so we're sammie blonde and sammy brown. lol)
78. First thing you do in the morning :Turn off my alarm. Take pill. Sleep some more. Get up.
79. Jinxes : I don't believe in that sort of thing. Ryan always does that "touch wood" thing and it really irritates me so I tell him it's stupid when he does it. Because it is. ¬_¬
80. The most important thing in the world : I don't think there's just one thing...
81. When you were happiest : Probably now.
82. When you were saddest : When I think about the fact that May's so far away, or if I think about leaving home and stuff like that.. you know.. sad stuff. haha.
83. Last thing you want to say : OIC. It's not the last question.. how odd.
84. Specialty: Being thoughtful? I don't know.
85. Favorite actor/actress: There's loooooads... D: But I like Johnny Depp, Adrien Brody, Jobert Downey Jr (omg I know I already said about tropic thunder but he is soooo funny in that film :'D) um... Will Smith... and... Kenichi Matsuyama. :)
86. Favorite brand: I don't have a favourite.
87. Time it usually takes to fall asleep: Ages! I usually find it really hard to get to sleep unless I'm not feeling well or I'm really REALLY tired.
88. Clothing style: I like pretty clothes. I have a lot of dresses and flowery things...
89. If you are born again: See Q41
90. Current physical condition: Tired.
91. What do you mainly do in your free time: Watch films... go online.. play piano.. stuff like that.
92. Definition concerning love: There isn't one.
93. What kind of proposal is the most awesome: Don't know...
94. What’s your cell phone bill: I have a contract. £15 a month.
95. If unification of Korea happens: It would be... good? It'd be nice if people in N. Korea could actually do stuff for themselves rather than worship the government. :(
96. What do you think about homosexuals: Uuuuh... they're just like other people so.. depends on the individual. They can be really cute though. XD
96. Do you think you have a tendency to cheat: No, I always pretend that I would but actually I'm not like that really.
97. Name of the alcohol you like the most: Either woo woo or elderflower kopparburg (that's spelt wrong but... w/e) and I like wine.
98. Appetizers you like to eat most with alcohol: Nachos at Spoooons. Mmm.
99. Behavior when angry: ... angry behaviour?
100. Place on your body in which you are most confident: Um... there isn't really one.
There. Wasn't that just thrilling. lol. I don't know why i bother with these because my answers are always so dull. D:
Also omg I didn't realise how overlapped and hard to read that results day post came out. My bad. It didn't look like that when I did it. :/