The infamous left
I am just so disgusted at how big and jiggly I've let myself get. this wasn't supposed to happen until I'm at least 40. I am so serious about making a change. I've hated myself all day for eating the breadsticks I had for lunch when I went to eat with a coworker. so I think if I can keep up the negative feelings towards pointless foods that don't do anything for me, then I'm on the right track. no more waiting for my roommates or friends to change their lifestyle or have a positive influence on me. no more waiting til I go to New York to be getting lots of walking daily. no more waiting til after the next holiday so I can eat candy at it. just whole grains and vegetables and protein. and I'll make my smoothie, my cinnamon almonds, and my popcorn my treats to look forward to. and sometimes I'll have my chocolate protein bars. there is no reason a snickers should be an ok choice at a gas station. I shouldn't be eating a gas stations anyway. but if I absolutely have to, why wouldn't I get the protein bar? oh because it's more expensive? well tough crap. the world is now set up to where you have to pay more to be the way you should be and the way nature and our bodies want us to be, and therefore to be better than your neighbor. the way I felt about my body that last little bit of college seems so unreal, like it's from a different lifetime. I feel right now that I'll never get back there. but I see these women my age or these women much older than me or MY BEST FRIEND who are pushing themselves daily and accomplishing their goals and look amazing. there's no reason why I can't be like those women! so that is my goal. to be my best version of myself. physically, healthfully, mentally, emotionally, relationship-wise, and dreams-wise. mark, set, go.
"I've met a lot of people who think that the world owes them something: a cushy job, a plush office, the right to phone it in when they don't feel like working hard. those are not people whom I respect. a sense of entitlement is the worst trait I can think of in a person. if you haven't earned it, you don't deserve it."
"people talk a lot about the 'secret' to success. but the secret to success isn't a secret at all! at the core of every successful person, there is one common thing: discipline."
"I can't think of anything that anyone has ever accomplished without having some sort of self-discipline. without knowing how to work for it. without learning how to earn it."
"any person I know who is successful in my business or in any other business is so because they work their asses off for it, because nothing is for free. if you want something, if you want to achieve success in any area of life, you must apply your discipline and your work ethic. because discipline is what helps you consciously do things in order to reach a desired goal. discipline is a rejection of entitlement and expectation. discipline is having a strong awareness that YOUR CHOICES have impact and that YOUR ACTIONS make a difference."
"discipline is the force that gives you purpose, focus, strength, and determination so that you can accomplish whatever your heart desires."
"my discipline began with my parents, who always taught me to so my best. MY best. not yours, not anyone else's. just mine. same goes for you. you don't have to be THE best; you just have to do YOUR best. you know what that is. and you're responsible for holding yourself accountable to that standard."
"when you accept that the world doesn't owe you anything and that choices have consequences, when you understand that life makes choices FOR YOU when you hand over the controls and that you much work hard to get that power back, when you have identified what the right choices are and developed the discipline that will enable you to consistently make those choices--- that's when life really begins. because discipline isn't about denying yourself; it's about giving to yourself. it isn't about losing; it's about gaining. everyday that I get up early in the morning to go to the gym, even if it's difficult and I'd rather stay in bed, I think about what i will gain from going to the gym and what I will lose if I don't. nine times out of ten, I will only gain by going and lose by not going. discipline is always a gain in the tallying of life."
"discipline builds discipline. it's like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it becomes, and the further it can take you."
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