
May 30, 2009 18:32

Well I am back :)

we have had glorious weather in Northumbria, Sun all week apart from one day that was coudy with a spot of rain. We have spent many lovely times at the beach and the dogs have had a fantastic time running on the sand and jumping in the sea and rock pools!

we have been to the historic town of Alnwick and the wonderful baterbooks and Cragside House  and Beamish and much time at the wonderful seaside village of Almouth, which really dies rival Whitby for holiday home potential! This has to be the holiday where we have done the least and it has been great! one advantage about going to the same place year after year is that there is no pressure to fit lots of things in- having been to most places, we can kick back and relax!

I will update with a few photos later!

Needless to say even a little holiday has left us flat broke and now it is pasta and tomato sauce for the rest of the month LOL! We didn't have a single meal or cuppa out, unless you count a cup of hot chocolate to go and a tray of chips!

Getting through the marking still loads to do and I have many many dreads to make tonight for customers on etsy and a wig to make tomorrow- I also have some falls to make for  
queen_tea  - I will get it done VERY soon hun!

Recieved a wonderful new hat from the above mentioned
queen_tea - it is totally steampunkly amazing... I don't want to show it off till I have time to dress up and put some falls in- it is muchly lush!

tonight I am also putting together an assembly for Monday morning...busy bee!

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