Nov 07, 2004 13:03
so 15 years from now, you and your brother own your own bookstore. in that bookstore not only do you sell books, but you also have a video/dvd section, you've got newspapers, magazines and even a little coffee shop with tables and big comfty chairs. you have about 14 or 15 employees, all of which you have known for a very long time. they are all pretty much family friends and you trust all of them.
one day you come into work, unlock the doors, only to see a bunch of items stolen from the store. a bunch of books on display, the coffee pot, and most of the dvds are gone. nothing has been broken into, i.e the door, the windows, none of that, so you immediatly realize it was one of the workers. because you say, they all have keys and can come in here easily. but you don't want to believe that one of your trusted friends stole your stuff. no you don't.
you're first instinct? kill 'em. chop off their hands and throw them off the side of a huge building. well sure, that's every human's instinct. but you have to remember do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (romans 12:21). what the theif did was evil; they stole from a friend which is two in one. stealing in general and then from a friend. but instead of wanting to fire them, punch them, whatever. speak to them about it, take them to church, forgive them. <--that would be overcoming evil with good! :]