Jun 19, 2009 00:57
- 07:32 Last night was full of pleasure and tears. :) :( #
- 07:36 I had another night of weird dreams. What the hey?! #
- 07:39 hmph, is it next week yet?!?! #
- 07:43 I've got a lot of things floating around in this head of mine. #
- 07:44 Part of me wants to be absolutely lazy all day while the other part wants to do something epic. Neither will happen...babysitting. #
- 08:08 What doesn't kill you, only makes your stronger...right? #
- 08:22 why does the radio fail so hard? my cig lighter broke in my car so i cant use my ipod transmitter :( #
- 08:26 i hate when you can see two speed limit signs, each a different speed #
- 09:26 kareoke with the young ones! hahaha fantastic #
- 12:23 didnt get job i had an interview for yesterday. this is the lamest summer #
- 13:30 i want to cuddle on the coach and watch ANYTHING but sponge bob #
- 15:28 babysitting over time. waiting for food mommy Melissa ordered #
- 15:28 when i get home, im going to take a bubble bath :) #
- 17:56 There is a giant piece of construction equipment in our front lawn. #
- 18:49 Bubble bath was fab :) #
- 20:17 Hoorah! My creative project I created the other night has been shipped :) #
- 20:18 @ notapromqueen I cannot wait to see pictures from and here all about your wedding :) your tweets are making me so excited for you. #
- 21:13 My head just got extremely jumble with thoughts and I feel overwhelmed. I need to go to bed before a spaz occurs #
- 22:12 11:11 I make the same wish over and over again. pathetic? #
- 22:14 My Daily Twittascope - bit.ly/pLrk4 #
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