(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 23:49

You have just entered room "chat40851326172506669664."
fDaUiSrTy02 has entered the room.
Xxo LiUnV oxX: hett
vballchicka2752: hello?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: heyy**
fDaUiSrTy02: hey
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wat sup
fDaUiSrTy02: my computer is like delayed! it sucks and my legs are so sore that i like cant move!
haro Kr3w02 has entered the room.
haro Kr3w02: hey
fDaUiSrTy02: hey
Xxo LiUnV oxX: heyy
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yall know resshat righhtt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ??
fDaUiSrTy02: no he was only in our class but nope i dont know him
fDaUiSrTy02: duh i kno him nikki
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yeah i forgot
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel??
Xxo LiUnV oxX: reshat??
Xxo LiUnV oxX: is that how u spell ur name
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ??
haro Kr3w02: eya
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wow
haro Kr3w02: yea
Xxo LiUnV oxX: why is my font so big
haro Kr3w02: i dunno
fDaUiSrTy02: i dunno but mine is too
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yeah
fDaUiSrTy02: BOLD!!!!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: reshat sitsnt
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
haro Kr3w02: ha
haro Kr3w02: funn
fDaUiSrTy02: no fair!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i dont know about rachels cuz SHE AINT TALKING
fDaUiSrTy02: i kno me neither
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol'
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wow
Xxo LiUnV oxX: we are very social tonight
fDaUiSrTy02: maybe she is confused or something or maybe she just isnt talking or maybe her computer isnt working!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: probably the second one
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: compuiter are reatrded
fDaUiSrTy02: yea
fDaUiSrTy02: like mine has metal issues..... it has glitches
fDaUiSrTy02: the poor little thing never had a chance
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
haro Kr3w02: mine is sexy
fDaUiSrTy02: ok sry i just had a moolatte so im like full of coffee
haro Kr3w02: cooll
fDaUiSrTy02: yep
haro Kr3w02: ahah
fDaUiSrTy02: lol i threw somethign at my sister earlier out of the xhex mix and she like ran around the house trying to attack me and i was screaming mommy! daddy! SAVE ME!!!!!!
fDaUiSrTy02: it was funny
haro Kr3w02: funny'
haro Kr3w02: ha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
fDaUiSrTy02: tee hee
fDaUiSrTy02: lol wayne's world is on VH1
Xxo LiUnV oxX: umm ok
haro Kr3w02: that nice
fDaUiSrTy02: its a weird movie
Xxo LiUnV oxX: okkk
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wow
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wats rachels proble,
fDaUiSrTy02: im like completely lost while watching it
Xxo LiUnV oxX: problem**
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel
Xxo LiUnV oxX: come back
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: remember in computers
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
fDaUiSrTy02: no im not in ur computer class :'(
Xxo LiUnV oxX: mrs welte rachel ur ot supposed to be doinng that
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i know
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel is tho
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachheeelll
Xxo LiUnV oxX: me love
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: jk
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: come backk
Xxo LiUnV oxX: me love is donald
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: jk
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: aw
vballchicka2752: hey ya'll
Xxo LiUnV oxX: natie
fDaUiSrTy02: even though i dont kno who he is
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: make a card fo patrick
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i did
fDaUiSrTy02: RACHEL shes back
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: racheell
fDaUiSrTy02: *ur
Xxo LiUnV oxX: remember in computers
haro Kr3w02: i hate rachel
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel u rnot supposed to do that
Xxo LiUnV oxX: reshaaattt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: dont say that
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ur being mean
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: why am i the only talking
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: i dunno
Xxo LiUnV oxX has left the room.
fDaUiSrTy02: ill save her
fDaUiSrTy02: !~
Xxo LiUnV oxX has entered the room.
haro Kr3w02: fine
haro Kr3w02: bye
fDaUiSrTy02: yay i saved her1
fDaUiSrTy02: *!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
haro Kr3w02: really
haro Kr3w02: who
spence55555 has entered the room.
fDaUiSrTy02: i saved nikki lol cause she left...
haro Kr3w02: bye
fDaUiSrTy02: then i reinvited her
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yeah
haro Kr3w02: ha
haro Kr3w02: k
haro Kr3w02: bye
fDaUiSrTy02: bye y?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: it wudnt let me send messages anymore
haro Kr3w02: this is boring
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spencer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: talk
fDaUiSrTy02: o ok
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spaceerrrr
fDaUiSrTy02: tootles then reshat
spence55555: who is who
coppertopper999 has entered the room.
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spancerr**
coppertopper999: hey
spence55555: lol
coppertopper999: its erik
spence55555: hi
haro Kr3w02: jesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fDaUiSrTy02: wow like evryone is here!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ewww
haro Kr3w02: or erikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Xxo LiUnV oxX: erica
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: eric**
haro Kr3w02 has left the room.
Xxo LiUnV oxX: im used to typing eww erica
Xxo LiUnV oxX: jk
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: hey specer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: specer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: **
Xxo LiUnV oxX: guess wat?
fDaUiSrTy02: this movie is so weird!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: its over
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i dont think spencers alive
fDaUiSrTy02: me neither
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spacnnerrrr
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spancer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spaceerrrr
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
coppertopper999: to much talikin
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spanceerrr
fDaUiSrTy02: *spencer
coppertopper999: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RaeRaeinthehood has entered the room.
vballchicka2752: ya i no
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spanceerrr
coppertopper999: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omg
Xxo LiUnV oxX: no
RaeRaeinthehood: whatdo ya want'
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ewww
coppertopper999: wat up alex
Xxo LiUnV oxX: its that alex kid
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: alex
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: remember me form h2o
spence55555: im here lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: from**
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ok
Xxo LiUnV oxX: now guess wat
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spencer
coppertopper999: hi guys
Xxo LiUnV oxX: alexxx
vballchicka2752: reshat is an ass
Xxo LiUnV oxX: amnswer me
coppertopper999: i m tired
Xxo LiUnV oxX: no hes not
spence55555: wat
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i love reshat
coppertopper999: hahahaha
RaeRaeinthehood: what
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
RaeRaeinthehood: reshat isnt an ass
coppertopper999 has left the room.
RaeRaeinthehood: im outta here
RaeRaeinthehood has left the room.
Xxo LiUnV oxX: hehe i probably wont be sitting alone at jennas anymore
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: that answer was for spencer
spence55555: lol
vballchicka2752: i love making alex mad
Xxo LiUnV oxX: me too
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
spence55555: so wat did u want to tell me
fDaUiSrTy02: y not nikki?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: becuz
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ill have a bffff
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yayyy
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: YAY!!!!!!!
spence55555: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
spence55555: yay who
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ummmm
Xxo LiUnV oxX: donald
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: ???
Xxo LiUnV oxX: u dont know him
vballchicka2752: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel do u
fDaUiSrTy02: o darn
spence55555: lol
spence55555: kk
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ???
Xxo LiUnV oxX: natie do u??
fDaUiSrTy02: i dont think so
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel do u know him??
Xxo LiUnV oxX: but dont say this to anyone else
vballchicka2752: kk
fDaUiSrTy02: ok i wont
Xxo LiUnV oxX: do u know him rachel??
vballchicka2752: i no a donald but probably not urs
Xxo LiUnV oxX: waittt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wat does he look like
Xxo LiUnV oxX: how tall is he
Xxo LiUnV oxX: or is he short
vballchicka2752: red head
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: nnooo
Xxo LiUnV oxX: hes not a red head
vballchicka2752: like 2 inches shorter than me
Xxo LiUnV oxX: at least i dont think
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ooo
spence55555: this chat room is boring so im leaving
spence55555: bye
Xxo LiUnV oxX: forgive me rachel and spencer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: waiittt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: dont leave
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
spence55555: y
Xxo LiUnV oxX: guess wat spencer
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
spence55555: wat
fDaUiSrTy02: dont leave spencer how RUDE
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: erica likes u
Xxo LiUnV oxX: were u there wen she told me that
fDaUiSrTy02: i wasnt! i missed it?!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: it was online
Xxo LiUnV oxX: were u spencer??
fDaUiSrTy02: oo
fDaUiSrTy02: nm then
spence55555: no i wasnt
spence55555: tell me more
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: o so now he wants to stay
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: she doesnt like u
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i thoiught u were there
Xxo LiUnV oxX: well erica was like
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yeah i like spencer
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i was like no u dont
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: and shes like darnit
fDaUiSrTy02: ah ha
fDaUiSrTy02: lopl
fDaUiSrTy02: *lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: she wanted to see how many people wud believe her
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wait
Xxo LiUnV oxX: were u at ericas today?
fDaUiSrTy02: nope
Xxo LiUnV oxX: noo
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spencer
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ??
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: o
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
spence55555: no
spence55555: well now im leaving
spence55555: bye
spence55555 has left the room.
fDaUiSrTy02: yea... so
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wait
fDaUiSrTy02: wat?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: spencer wasnt at ericas today
fDaUiSrTy02: nope he wasnt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: they said he was
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: hes just on the phone with them
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: o
Xxo LiUnV oxX: noo
fDaUiSrTy02: ah im confused~
Xxo LiUnV oxX: was he at ericas house earlier today
fDaUiSrTy02: *!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ??
fDaUiSrTy02: no
fDaUiSrTy02: i dont think so
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omg
Xxo LiUnV oxX: im scared
Xxo LiUnV oxX: sometihng
fDaUiSrTy02: y?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: is behind me
fDaUiSrTy02: omg!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omg
Xxo LiUnV oxX: it was jjust my cat
fDaUiSrTy02: nikki if something happenes then I LUV YOU
fDaUiSrTy02: o nm then
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: jk
eTherSa0x685 has entered the room.
Xxo LiUnV oxX: erica
eTherSa0x685: hey
fDaUiSrTy02: i still luv u nikki
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: huh?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: was spencer at ur house today??
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: hat about me!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: noo
fDaUiSrTy02: i luv u too erica and nikki
Xxo LiUnV oxX: im asked u a questiom
fDaUiSrTy02: *jenna
eTherSa0x685: huh?
eTherSa0x685: jenna isnt around here
Xxo LiUnV oxX: was spencer at u rhouse today??
eTherSa0x685: no
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo
eTherSa0x685: he was on the phone
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i thought u said he was
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: oo i was right! yes~
fDaUiSrTy02: *!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i got confuzed there for a moment
fDaUiSrTy02: me too
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: okkkk
fDaUiSrTy02: nikki r u going to see wallace and gromit tomorrow?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: finallyyy
Xxo LiUnV oxX: noo
fDaUiSrTy02: :'( y not?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: im supoosably visiting patrick
fDaUiSrTy02: i am
Xxo LiUnV oxX: and doing chores for patrick
fDaUiSrTy02: ooo
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ;-)
eTherSa0x685: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
eTherSa0x685: wink
Xxo LiUnV oxX: thats wat andrew thinks
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i had to make a card for patrick and everyhitng
Xxo LiUnV oxX: which erica
Xxo LiUnV oxX: r u making one for him
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: im going to see WALLACE AND GROMIT! lol
eTherSa0x685: YEY
eTherSa0x685: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: r u ??
ZehelChicken has entered the room.
ZehelChicken: hey
Xxo LiUnV oxX: heyy
eTherSa0x685: hey
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wats up
Xxo LiUnV oxX: and erica are u??
fDaUiSrTy02: nicco! it natalie im adding u to my buddy list kks?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: okkk
Xxo LiUnV oxX: so wats up with yall??
fDaUiSrTy02: nothign really
ZehelChicken: ok
vballchicka2752: gosh guys talk enough
fDaUiSrTy02: nope
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: ya
Xxo LiUnV oxX: huh??
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: high
eTherSa0x685: nope
ZehelChicken: lol
eTherSa0x685: not i
eTherSa0x685: lol.
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ummmmm
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: ???
fDaUiSrTy02: wow we say lol a lot
fDaUiSrTy02: tee hee
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yeah i know we do
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lets do t or d
Xxo LiUnV oxX: that game thingy
fDaUiSrTy02: someone told me and jenna that we say it way to much
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: i have 45 people blocked on mt bl
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: i hav none!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omggg
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
ZehelChicken: lol
eTherSa0x685: it way?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i have hold on
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: one
eTherSa0x685: huh?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: and i bloked natie
Xxo LiUnV oxX: on that thingy
Xxo LiUnV oxX: kik
eTherSa0x685: why?
fDaUiSrTy02: huh!
eTherSa0x685: what?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol**
eTherSa0x685: i am soooo confused
Xxo LiUnV oxX: on that
vballchicka2752: who?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: umm
fDaUiSrTy02: oo i remember
vballchicka2752: wut?
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: where?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: u know
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: wen?
eTherSa0x685: STOP
vballchicka2752: y?
eTherSa0x685: NO
fDaUiSrTy02: i remember!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: STOP
fDaUiSrTy02: tee hee
eTherSa0x685: ahh
eTherSa0x685: imlost
fDaUiSrTy02: she was testign her blocking skills on me
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: right nikki
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: right
eTherSa0x685: i kno
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: hehe
fDaUiSrTy02: tee hee
Xxo LiUnV oxX: nico
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: ah ha ha ha ha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: rachel erica
Xxo LiUnV oxX: natie
fDaUiSrTy02: hehe he he he he he
Xxo LiUnV oxX: anybody there???
Xxo LiUnV oxX: okk
fDaUiSrTy02: i am!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: natie
Xxo LiUnV oxX: t or d
vballchicka2752: hey nikki truth or dare?
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: dare
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: lol
vballchicka2752: uhhhhhhhhhhhh.........................
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ahaha
eTherSa0x685: nothing
eTherSa0x685: at all
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: i think im going crazy
ZehelChicken has left the room.
eTherSa0x685: personally
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: anyays
vballchicka2752: bye nico
eTherSa0x685: bye
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: im not nico
eTherSa0x685: but she is
Xxo LiUnV oxX: she already left
vballchicka2752: i no
eTherSa0x685: SCREW**
fDaUiSrTy02: y r u sad?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: want me to say that
Xxo LiUnV oxX: huh??
eTherSa0x685: the person i freaking LOVE kissed another girl i think
Xxo LiUnV oxX: erica
eTherSa0x685: nikki
vballchicka2752: ooo who?
eTherSa0x685: andrew
Xxo LiUnV oxX: shut up about it
eTherSa0x685: okay
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
eTherSa0x685: thanks for making me feel better
Xxo LiUnV oxX: its getting annoying not a bad annoyin gbut annoying
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: but**
fDaUiSrTy02: huh?
vballchicka2752: who did he kiss?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omg
Xxo LiUnV oxX: just drop it
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ok
fDaUiSrTy02: ok
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wats my dare
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: NO!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: andrew
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ok
vballchicka2752: no but who did he kiss?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: erica kissed andrew and ow andrews going out with holly and holly and andrew probably kisssed tonight
Xxo LiUnV oxX: so now ericas mad
eTherSa0x685: erica kissed andre
eTherSa0x685: w
eTherSa0x685: half the time he kissed me
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yess
eTherSa0x685: like a thousand times\
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo i thought u were rachel breeding
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
eTherSa0x685: well i guess it was both
eTherSa0x685: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: anyways
vballchicka2752: so holly and patrick broke u?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo this is jenna talkinf now
eTherSa0x685: no
eTherSa0x685: it isnt
Xxo LiUnV oxX: yes
Xxo LiUnV oxX: andrew and patrick broke up
vballchicka2752: up*
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: nikki look at wat u just wrote!
Xxo LiUnV oxX: and thats part of the fricken reason why im going over there tomrow
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lmao
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i mean
eTherSa0x685: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: holly and patrick**
eTherSa0x685: o
eTherSa0x685: i as like hat?
eTherSa0x685: was what*
eTherSa0x685: my W doesnt work
vballchicka2752: i just fell out of my chair:'(
eTherSa0x685: unless i hit it extremely hard
eTherSa0x685: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: is andrew even on
vballchicka2752: nope
eTherSa0x685: okay good
eTherSa0x685: i was like did he block me that lil *****
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: jk
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: lol
eTherSa0x685: anyways
eTherSa0x685: im bored
vballchicka2752: i have my keyboard on my lap
fDaUiSrTy02: me too... yet im hyper cause i had a moolatte
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: luckkyy
fDaUiSrTy02: i kno!
eTherSa0x685: ait
eTherSa0x685: one
eTherSa0x685: sec
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: i had hc
fDaUiSrTy02: wats hc?
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: huh>??
fDaUiSrTy02: once u tell me im probobly gonna know
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: and ill be like omg i so knew that
vballchicka2752: hot chocolate
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo
Xxo LiUnV oxX: i thought u were going to say high crack
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: even tho that makes no sense
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: could be
fDaUiSrTy02: lmao
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: ya never no
Xxo LiUnV oxX: this convo is going in my lj
Xxo LiUnV oxX: so yall know
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: o boy
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
vballchicka2752: oo me 2
Xxo LiUnV oxX: noo
Xxo LiUnV oxX: my idea
vballchicka2752: cuz i need to update but i hav nothing to say
Xxo LiUnV oxX: o godd
Xxo LiUnV oxX: omg
Xxo LiUnV oxX: my mom
Xxo LiUnV oxX: aah
Xxo LiUnV oxX: u guys im scared
vballchicka2752: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: my mom just woke up
Xxo LiUnV oxX: o wait nvm
Xxo LiUnV oxX: oo crap
fDaUiSrTy02: lol o look at my lj everyone cause i had a convo with mt sister in the room next to me and i put it in my lj
Xxo LiUnV oxX: wat if she reads my lj
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: i ant to read it
eTherSa0x685: whats the name
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685: lostdreamer02?
fDaUiSrTy02: yea
eTherSa0x685: okay
eTherSa0x685: brb
vballchicka2752: so...........?????????????????
fDaUiSrTy02: dot dot dot
fDaUiSrTy02: lol im too cool for ...
vballchicka2752: no...
vballchicka2752: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
vballchicka2752: .
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: im jk
eTherSa0x685: look @ my comment
eTherSa0x685: and ho olds ur sister
eTherSa0x685: how*
fDaUiSrTy02: lol shes 16
eTherSa0x685: did u read the s=comeent
vballchicka2752: i'm up side down
eTherSa0x685: idiot
eTherSa0x685: lol
eTherSa0x685: jk
fDaUiSrTy02: im reading it
vballchicka2752: ok all good
Xxo LiUnV oxX: ok
Xxo LiUnV oxX: haha
Xxo LiUnV oxX: u guys i got nico
Xxo LiUnV oxX: on that prank thingy
vballchicka2752: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: i got my sister
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: it was funny but then she came into the kitchen wen i was reading it and shes like wow ur FRICKEN STUPID!!!
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
Xxo LiUnV oxX: lol
fDaUiSrTy02: lol
eTherSa0x685 has left the room.
fDaUiSrTy02: :'( she left us!
vballchicka2752: well i have to leave to so bye bye ya'll!!!
fDaUiSrTy02: by bye
fDaUiSrTy02: ttyl
fDaUiSrTy02: lyl
fDaUiSrTy02: xoxoxoxoxo
fDaUiSrTy02: r u going to wallace and gromit rachel?
fDaUiSrTy02: ?
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