
Apr 07, 2007 23:22

TWO UPDATES IN ONE WEEK? whats going on...!!!

Fucking michigan. DAMN WEATHER, I hate this stupid state sometimes.

ANYWHO. This week has been weird. Im sooo happy its spring break. I wasnt mad at all that im not going anywhere because i have everything here that i want for my spring break, but now thats it snowing in April im fricken pissed. Oh well hopefully it will still be good just effing freeeeezing! So yeah this week was pretty cool. Its confusing me like hell espacilly when it comes to BOYS. Well lets not talk about them cause their stupid. Monday was pretty sweet, i went to sherwan williams with deby IN A TANK TOP and we looked @ paint because we are going to make her room pretty =). Then we went and made a Penis cake with suzie haha it was sooo funny i have pictures but i cant post =/. Then we went to Debys house and got ready to go on our walk because we are getting fit for summer. So we went downtown wyndotte and walked around twice then sat. LMAO We were already tired. So then we made schilly jokesch. Then we decided to head home BUT we saw some boys on motorcylcles and i waved and we ended up meeting up with them @ taco hut. They were pretty coool. Wooo new friends is always sweet huh? lOls... Then i came home talked online for a while then went to sleep.

Next morning school.. oh wait i didnt go!! Then work which was pretty lame. Didnt do shit, same with Wednesday. Thrusday i ate subway and 1st day of spring break, & i forgot what i did. UMMMMM OH YEAH babysat then Debys came over to study my nephew then we went to her house and sat and chated. Then we were bored so we went and drove around and went to BK to see Heather, saw her then left dropped Deby off and went home. It was to cold to do anything.

Yesturday good friday =) Got up sat around. Went tanning with Deby came home ate rams horn. Then Alex came over, we went to gibarlter trade center, and he looked @ car stuff and i looked at purses. Then we went and got Borat ..haha it was weird but really funny. Then we went out to eat at OPA OPA Mannn i go out to eat with people way to much. Then we came here and watched Borat and talked and then fell asleep around 1:30.

THIS MORNING he left, i went to work untill about 4:30. Came home, then went tanning with Deby again. Came here got ready and went to KFC with my mom, good greif im going to blow up like blimp  if i dont stop going out to eat, lOl. Thenn Emily came over and we went to her work to see if boys were still there that like to flirt with her and talk about her friends, lOl weird.. but they werent. Then we got lost in Detroit, then found our way back, went out to eat AGAIN @ Big Boys in wyandotte. Then we went to the Grocery store, and she dropped me off and now here i am =).

Good greif that was long. But im not tired, and im quite boreed.

49 days of school LEFT!!!!


Anyways, im done here.


P.S look i made i pretty..!!
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