Sep 06, 2005 13:19
My granny and Uncle Carl were here for the weekend. It was alot of fun and the kids had a blast.
However We found out that Uncle John died on Saturday morning. Wesley is taking it very well he just says that his pappy john will be watching him from the sky. The Funeral is on thursday (just found that out this morning). We can't make it though. I dont go to funerals or anything, but feel kinda odd not even getting together with anyone before or afterward. Hopefully will keep in touch with John jr and Aaron in the future.
we found some really cute things for the kids at the BX the other day. Uncle Carl tries to find time to take us on base to shop when he is in town. You can get some great deals on groceries and all.
Not really doing much this week. I think the kids and I are going to hang around the house mostly. Mackayla was in a up chuck mood yesterday. I went ahead to test my theory and apparently miss thing can not have Orange juice even the little kid kind.
Been getting a work out in the weather department this year. I am getting really good at reading charts, graphs, and vortex summaries. The tropics seem to really be heating up now. (can you believe they are saying that after Katrina?) We are already up to tropical depression 16 which will be Ophelia when/if she gets named. Not going to say where she is going to move yet. but i wouldnt be surprised if she moves across florida and enters the gulf and fires herself up again. PAY ATTENTION this is just an observation not saying it will happen.
I think it would be neat to beat 1993 which had 21 storms and i think it would be neat to go past the name list, but they dont have to hit to coast.
Philly's back in school. I was telling him that when you go to school in my family that it tends to be a family affair. Everyone helps everyone else! For example, when I used to type dad's papers and homework and whatever and mom and dad would spell check and proof read it. Same thing when mom went back. They always helps with things we needed to get done. So i think mom and I got the point across that he should not feel bad emailing them to see if they can give a hand. Also found that my brain apparently still works and i can still do stuff.
anyway, so
nothing else type about.
uncle john,
uncle carl