Apr 21, 2009 09:17
Yesterday, on April 20th, at 6:43 pm, my absolutely perfect in every way daughter was born. O.M.G. y'all, I have officially created life, and it was good.
So today, I rest because I have to. And I can't move too well. You do NOT want to know what they do with a balloon but let me tell you -- I've never thought of it as an instrument of TORTURE before but it totally was. OH! And Joseph, I'd like to formally apologize for making you see my hooha. I'll have to kick Hank's ass for being responsible or something...but that'll have to wait because holy did it take a lot of effort to get on this computer. I haz a pillow :D It is fantastic.
JOHN! You are the only god parent who has not gotten their ass over here ASAP so I demand you show up like stat. Speaking of which, I mean, I've never been like a good Christian or something (Hello sex before marriage!) but I think I'm going to call my old pastor out in Cali, see if he knows of a good church out here.... I think with like the life we lead? I so want it to be as official as possible that Cati has four godparents who will take supreme care of her if something happens to me or Alex. I'll keep people posted on the date.
I still look pregnant. This annoys me too. Apparently it's normal but damnit, I'm done waddling! I am not a DUCK! I am a MOTHER! OMFG!
Hm. That's about it. God, I have the most cutest daughter ever, and I have like a gazillion pictures but they're in the camera downstairs and I am NOT going to move for at least another half hour because she is SLEEPING and Joseph kicked me out. I apparently need my rest. Bah. I don't wanna rest, I wanna look at my daughter.
Her eyes better stay blue....
OH! And how amused am I that she was born on Hitler's birthday, as well as 4/20? Oh Angelo is up there, smoking a joint in honour of mah baby and Hitler is pissed a mutant was born but who the FUCK cares cause she's MY daughter and she's here and I had no idea I could love something thiiiiiis much. Holy.
plot: mah baby