Nov 06, 2009 08:24
The weather turned last night. We've been having a spate of warmer days and nights, very pleasant with sun and pretty leaves and bright blue skies. Halloween was wet and warm and then the last few nights, there's been a bit of a cold snap and this morning is actually /cold/. It's 39F right now and I'm watching the leaves just /rain/ down outside.
The dogwood went from rusty red to naked in the course of about a week and a half. The trees across the street were still green two weeks ago and suddenly went to gold, orange and rust and have been shaking down hard for the last few days and are now nearly naked too. Our oak tree is bright red and has at least, stopped raining down acorns. Most of the last half of September and most of early October, the oak was shaking down so much material it sounded like someone was shooting up the house all night long. The acorns would hit the front storm door hard in the middle of the night and I'd wake up thinking someone was trying to break in or jump five feet because I was sitting right beside the door.
I've barely been outside the last few weeks first due to being ill with H1N1, then being tired and recovering from H1N1 while also nursing the kids through it. I think I'll put my jacket on today in a little bit and go for a walk, breathe in the leafy, smoky air before all the leaves finish dropping and the real cold sets in or snow starts coming down later this month or early in December.
I'm also putting the kettle on to boil and I'm going to make a nice big pot of tea as it seems like it's really going to be a tea and quilt sort of day, though the skies are high and blue and full of puffy white clouds.