Sevens and Eights

Dec 21, 2011 12:34

That's where I am. It's like being at sixes and sevens, only more so. There is GC2 to entertain. GC1 is entertaining herself with friends, as in, doing her own thing! But the little chap needs attention. So we've been doing 'crafts' This involves lots of glitter, lots of glitter. Come to my house you may leave with a little extra sparkle that you didn't bargain for. We have also made or rather, we are in the process of making elf hats for Christmas Day. I fecking hate the crap bits of tissue you must ritually humiliate yourself with after the dubious pleasure of pulling a cracker (that I never win has nothing to do with this bitter diatribe). I spend an extra few bob so that the 'toys' are of some slight use, but the hats are always le grande fail This year, in a bid to kill two first-world, over priviliged birds with one, health and safety inspected stone, I bought a metric F-tonne of felt and we're making elf hats. It's a team effort: GC1 and 2 and Ghatanothoa are on pom-pom duty, I'm doing the other bits. Hand sewn mind you, for I am a Luddite, and can sew by hand with waaay less swearing, than I can with the aid of mechanation.

And there is all the other Christmas stuff. S'okay, we're in the pipe, five-by-five.

Work is looking up. Makey work that is, I've had to book in to do a stall somewhere for I feel I haven't wrecked mi hands, eyes or back anywhere nearly as much as I should have. I'm also a tiny bit inspired to do handymakey stuff, a wave one must make the most of when it hits.

Writing? Well, seeing as you axed. I'm still wrestling with the greasy innards of the second EPIC fantasy novel: Outline done...and changing all the time. Rough prologue, rough C1 done. C2 is the right place, but wrong people. Costume is flying, the cast keeps changing, but the 'bits' the location, rocks. Why I'm doing this when I haven't even found a home for the first is a well documented act of madness, so I shan't bore you with a re-cap.

I've also got a Verne inspired, hawt sexeh thing blowing kisses at me from, trying to tempt me away from the ovver lover, and a couple of short stories to try and fit in...somewhere, prolly in that 25th hour, or the eigth day. 'Don't know about you, but pretty much every short story I write, I could expand into a novella at the very least. This stops me from writing all that many. Now being lazy, and with the attention span of a gnat, I really enjoy reading novellas. Alas, traditional publishers wont touch them with a rotting bargepole, unless, one imagines, they are by Dan Brown, JK R, GRRM... I think if any of that bunch of worthies wanted to publish their shopping list, someone would write a cheque. One hopes when some kind of rating structure, official or not, tidies up the self publishing market, so you can tell the good from the computer compiled lists, there will be space for the novella to make a comeback.
The Hobbit trailer or 'trail' as they are now called also rocks. This is not a link to the trailer Heheheh . My favorite sulky vampire...and a fine actor to boot *coughs*
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