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The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 05:28:59 UTC
“You used to date him?”

Lexie thinks it’s cute, the way he sputters, the way his hand tightens around the doorknob of the on-call room that he shut them inside not twenty seconds ago.

“Yeah,” she replies, biting down on her lip as his eyebrows rise closer to his hairline.

“You used to date him and now you’re fawning all over him?” He asks.

“It’s not fawning,” she defends, taking a step closer to him, and then a step sideways and back, closer to the bed now. If she sits down she loses ground, she thinks, and so she stays on her feet. “It was high school, Mark. I dated a lot of guys in high school. I was prom queen.”

He might be picturing that last part, judging by the way his eyes kind of glaze over briefly, and this time she definitely moves closer, waving a hand in front of his face. “Jailbait, Mark. And also, you’ve slept with half of this hospital and I’m not complaining.”

This gets his attention. “I’m not fawning all over them.”

“Oh please. Callie walks in on you in the shower.”


“That I saw,” she points out, searching for any signs of guilt in his expression. There isn’t any, but it also isn’t likely to be something that Mark feels the least bit guilty about, and so she takes the fact that he doesn’t jump to protest as a sign that there have possibly be other occurrences. It’s ammunition, but not the battle she’s fighting right now.

“You’re off topic.”

“There is no topic. There’s nothing. Just an injured boy who I happened to know back in high school.”

“Happened to date,” he corrects.

“Did not happen to sleep with,” she adds. The look on his face says that concept is perhaps foreign to him, and she wonders why she feels as surprised as she does. “I was a good girl. I am the good girl. Despite my last two choices in men in this hospital.”

“You slept with someone else here?” She can’t figure out if that’s a turn-on for him or not. “Who?”

Lexie swallows. “Alex.”

“Karev,” he says, making the face of disappointment. “When did that happen?”

“Okay, if I’m going to make a list, you’re going to make a list, and I really don’t think you want to make a list. You don’t have that kind of time.”

Mark crosses his arms, leaning against the door now. “I don’t want you to fawn over him.”

“That’s because you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous.”

“It’s cute,” she tells him.

He appears to weigh his response carefully, cocking his head to the side before, “Okay, so I’m jealous.”

She walks into him now, pressing her body flush against his, looking up at him with a smile and pressing a hand to his cheek, moving his head so that he’s looking right at her despite his best attempts to play hard to get. It’s a game he sucks at anyways. “So stake your claim.”

Lexie doesn’t have to ask twice.


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 caer November 2 2009, 06:51:12 UTC
Awesome =D jealous!Mark is always fun!

She can’t figure out if that’s a turn-on for him or not.

Lol, I can see him having kinky tendencies like that XD


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 13:40:44 UTC
Of course Mark is kinky. He's Mark, lol.

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 heartsways November 2 2009, 22:43:39 UTC

I really don’t think you want to make a list. You don’t have that kind of time

I love this. You have their characters drawn so perfectly here. I do like your stuff so much.


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:11:50 UTC
Gah! That last line Lexie speaks is just perfect! I keep reading it over and over again. I just love this - jealous Mark is just so fantastic!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 13:41:52 UTC
Hee, I wasn't sure about it but that makes me feel much better.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 13:42:14 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 shiparker November 2 2009, 20:41:56 UTC
OMG! First of all I can never be overly objective about your work because I am your fangirl. I love your dialogs, the situations you created for pretty much all Grey's characters as well how well you explored them.

And this is beyond cute, beyond awesome. I think I giggled hard when Mark admitted he was jealous. Plus, I guess something like this in a way it would be fitting with Lexie's moments of jealousy. I love how you kept the essence of those characters on this story. Jealousy can often be an unattractive feature when it's posessive, but you made it playfull. The banter is great, as well mentions of Alex.

The last phrase? WIN WIN WIN WIN. Seriously, you made a almost-sane-24-year-old squee! Just, can you make this happen? I guess we can sneak this piece of dialog on twitter and send to teh writers LOL. Joking, but your story (And you) is great. Keep writing on this drabble-a-thon, it's always exciting to read things from you.


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 20:47:45 UTC
Aw thank you hun! You are too sweet!

Jealousy is cute when it's playful. I can't see it being anything but with Mark, honestly. But you are totally right.

I definitely will have more for this drabblethon, if school cooperates. Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed this!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 littleone87 November 2 2009, 20:44:17 UTC
I love jealous Mark so very very much and you wrote it so perfectly! The last line? AMAZING. Thank you so much for joining in and writing! I hope you write more soon! :)


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 20:48:37 UTC
Thank you for hosting it! I absolutely love these types of things. I'm glad you enjoyed this!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 foibles_fables November 2 2009, 23:11:02 UTC
“So stake your claim.”

Oh god I shivered. o_o

LOVED this. Just...loved it.


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 3 2009, 02:16:25 UTC
LOL. I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 kelny7 November 3 2009, 01:29:12 UTC
I love this...WOW! And my favorite is this: “So stake your claim.”


Re: The Prom Queen Track Record - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 3 2009, 02:16:56 UTC
lol, I guess I must've done good with that line; everyone seems to like it.

I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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