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I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 02:35:16 UTC
Mark wraps his fingers so tightly around the steering wheel, his knuckles begin turning white and he is two seconds away from taking the GPS from off the windshield and tossing the useless piece of shit out the window. Lexie is sitting next to him, remaining absolutely silent, having been that way for the past hour ever since he snapped at her at the turnoff he missed because he hadn’t been able to get into the lane he needed in time.

He sighs heavily. There is something that could make this drive down to San Francisco even worse and that is a silent, pissed off Lexie next to him.

“You ever going to talk to me again?” He asks, glancing over at her.

She doesn’t answer and instead, keeps her eyes fixated straight ahead through the windshield, her jaw clenching just a little bit tighter.

“So… that’s a no then?” He continues. “That’s fine. I can talk for you.” He then clears his throat. “Mark, I really love you for driving all of this time even though I have to pee every other exit,” he begins, his voice pitched higher and he glances at Lexie again though she is still straight ahead. “And I really want to thank you for last night. That last orgasm you gave me was about the most perfect sexual experience I have ever-”

“Why are you making me sound like a five-year-old?” Lexie finally interrupts. “Are you trying to tell me something?” A teasing smile passes her lips. “Do you wish I was five?”

He quickly scowls at her. “You’re disgusting, Little… Lexie,” he quickly corrects himself, not needing really any more reminders of how much younger she is than him.

He looks at the GPS and then at the stretch of highway before them. He sighs when the directional remains silent and he randomly switches lanes for no reason other than he feels like it. He has no idea where they are. He just knows that they are still heading south, which is the direction they are supposed to be heading so at least they still have that working for them.

“Hey, Mark?” Lexie speaks up. “I have to pee.”

“Jesus, Lex,” he groans though really, at this point, there is no way they are going to get to San Francisco for the conference’s welcome dinner that night so really, what does it matter if they are late now or really late later? “Next exit, alright?” He sighs.

“How long is that?” She frowns.

“Just hold it. I have no idea where we are,” he admits. “I promise though that I will stop at the next gas station… or tree… I see.”

She is quiet and then suddenly, she smiles at him in a way that makes him almost nervous. “So,” she says. “You finally admit that we’re lost.”

Mark frowns. “I admit no such thing.”

But even as he says it, he practically rips the GPS from the windshield and tosses it into her lap and she can’t help but laugh.

“We should have flown,” he then grumbles in the midst of her laughter.


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 littleone87 November 2 2009, 02:46:53 UTC
Oh My God, Katie. This is simply perfect!!!! Hahaha, I can definitely see this happening..LMAO. Too many awesome moments. I would have to pee every exit too. ;) I cannot believe how quickly you wrote this!

She is quiet and then suddenly, she smiles at him in a way that makes him almost nervous. “So,” she says. “You finally admit that we’re lost.”

Mark frowns. “I admit no such thing.”

Men are SO stubborn...and Mark is no exception! :P


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:20:27 UTC
I have a feeling Mark would be the very definition of stubborn when it comes to something like this. lol Thanks for reading, Ally, and for liking it. You know how nervous when I write something for someone. I always worry about disappointing them.


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 littleone87 November 2 2009, 20:33:20 UTC
I'm always nervous writing for someone too! I was nervous writing that one I wrote for you! But you never disappoint me, Katie. I love everything you write! :D


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 foibles_fables November 2 2009, 03:17:19 UTC
Omg, made of awesome. If they don't on a road trip like this within the next few seasons, I will be sorely disappointed.


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:21:22 UTC
GA ROAD TRIP!! Maybe if we chant that enough times, it will actually happen. :) Thanks for reading!


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 kelny7 November 2 2009, 03:39:26 UTC
Love it! Isn't this just like a man??? lol!


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:22:02 UTC
That is definitely a “man” thing, lol. Thanks for reading, Kel!


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 steph21108 November 2 2009, 03:40:28 UTC
LOVED IT!!! This is typical Mark and Lexie. I think it would be so hilarious if they ever were to take a car trip together. I have a feeling that a scene similar to this would play out. Awesome job as always! :D


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:23:31 UTC
I think if they ever travel together, it would be like this too. Pissed off and fighting and Mark grumbling and Lexie with a small bladder... like any couple traveling, really lol Thank you for reading!


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 slybrunette November 2 2009, 04:34:55 UTC
LOL. Men never ask for directions. And of course he blames the GPS. Hilarious fic. Love it!


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:24:41 UTC
Yay! I am SO happy you loved it! That just puts the biggest grin on my face. And Mark is the ultimate man - or at least he likes to think so lol Never stop and ask!


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Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:26:41 UTC
Aw, you got me blushing a little. I am so happy you found me, I really am! And I am so happy that you loved this story. I wish he would say “Little Grey” more too. I always loved when he called her that. It was THEIR thing between them and it always made me smile like a nerd lol


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 caer November 2 2009, 06:53:47 UTC
“And I really want to thank you for last night. That last orgasm you gave me was about the most perfect sexual experience I have ever-”

Haha, Mark being childish like that is so typical =D


Re: I Just Do What the GPS Tells Me To Do - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 lexiesloan November 2 2009, 12:28:32 UTC
I love writing Mark childish because for as much as he has matured these past couple of seasons, he still has that ego he has to stroke lol


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