Birthday Wishes & Zoo Dreams, Mark & Lexie, 1/1

May 15, 2009 14:48

Title: Birthday Wishes & Zoo Dreams
Author: littleone87
Rating: PG
Pairing: Mark & Lexie
Word Count: 958
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

This is written for Katie, lexiesloan for the alphabete prompt meme. Z is for Zoo and B is for Birthday. I hope you like it, Katie! =)

No one ever remembers her birthday. She can’t really blame them since no one really knows it. Molly usually calls her but even she hasn’t yet. It was incredibly busy at the hospital today and for some reason she was assigned to plastic, although it wasn’t her favorite. She was hoping George would have at least remembered her birthday, (since he had promised to take her to the zoo) but she couldn’t expect much from him anymore, he hadn’t even asked for her.

She did receive a card though. One she was hesitant to open. More likely to burn, yet she carried it with her.

The charts she was carrying flew from her hands and she fell to her knees, tripping over them.

“Grey, unable to coordinate, today?”

Dr. Sloan.

“Sorry, I seem to be having an off day.” She tried to gather the charts as quickly as possible. Sadie quickly came to her rescue, and helped with the mess she had made.

“Thank you.” Lexie didn’t even look up.

“You’re welcome.” Sadie also picked up the card that must have fallen from her pocket. Shit.

It said, Happy Birthday on the front.

“Today is your birthday, Lexie?” Sadie seemed happy at the fact.

Lexie looked quickly to Dr. Sloan and back with a quick nod in Sadie’s direction. He was the last person she had hoped would find out. He would find some new way to torture her about it.

Sadie noticed Lexie’s tense state, and whispered a barely audible, “I’m sorry.”
Lexie just smiled and turned away. She replaced all of the charts back on the counter next to Dr. Sloan.

“Can I go chart-“

He cut her off.

“How old are you today?”

“ old? I’m... 25 today.” She bit her lip to stop her stammering and returned her attention towards those damn charts. If she hadn’t dropped them, the damn card wouldn’t have fallen out. The last thing she wanted was to be tortured all day by him about her birthday.

“Happy Birthday, Dr. Grey. Anything special planned with O’Malley?” He smirked.
She wanted to hate him. She really did, but she just couldn’t. There was something about him she couldn’t quite put her finger on. He had this devilishly handsome smile, even if he was teasing her, she could understand how the nurses could fall for his lame pick up lines. She caught herself many times wondering just what this technique was they all whispered about.

She tried to keep from blushing at her unexpected thoughts. She saw all the cockiness drain from his face. Now he seemed to be irritated.

“We were supposed to go to the zoo….I love the zoo.” The last part was soft and quiet, and she was pretty sure he didn’t hear her.

She felt the familiar burn in her throat signaling her that the tears she was holding back would soon begin to escape. She had always gone to the zoo with her mother on her birthday. Maybe not every year, but whenever they could get there. She loved to see the baby elephants. There was just something about how much the mother loved that baby elephant that made her smile. Damnit, she missed her mother.

“Grey, you okay over there?” He didn’t look up from the file in front of him while he asked. When she didn’t answer he looked over to see her staring at him. He was slightly taken aback at the pool of tears that threatened to spill, but hadn’t quite taken the plunge yet.

“My mother always took me to the zoo on my birthday. What can I say, I have a soft spot for animals, and while I know the zoo is probably for younger kids now, it still means everything to me. My father is a drunken mess and although he wouldn’t go with me anyway, I wouldn’t want to.” She paused, and scoffed in disbelief. “He even gave me this card I’ve been carrying around all day,” For emphasis she swung the card around in front of her.

There they went. The tears. They spilled over and ran down her fast so fast she barely noticed. It was with increasing certainty, which he figured she had no idea just how loud she was starting to get, so he did the only logical thing he could. Her upper arm fit perfectly in his palm as he grabbed her to the first on call room he could find.

She seemed confused as they now stood in a dark on call room inches apart.

“You were freaking out, and causing a scene. You needed to calm down.” He tried not to sound harsh because she appeared to be having some kind of breakdown he was not prepared to handle. Plus he felt the need to explain why he dragged her in here.

“Thank you. I apologize for that. My emotions seem to have gotten the better of me.”

They were silent. Neither one moved.

“Dr. Sloan?”


He answered a little too quickly.

“Would you…I mean if you have time that is, which you probably don’t but-“

“What is it?”

“Right, um, would you go to the zoo with me?”

“Absolutely not.”

She seemed closer than before but maybe he was just imagining it.

“Fine. I guess I will see if George will still take me.” She made a move to exit the on call room when he grabbed her arm again.

“Forget O’Malley.”

She waited.

He didn’t say anything else.

She made another move towards the door.

“I’ll take you to the zoo.”

She stopped.

“I can’t wait to see the baby elephants,” she opened the door and left him standing there in the dark.

“Hey! Who said anything about elephants?”

lexiesloan, mark and lexie fanfiction

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