Today, I was driving down Highway 31 (Or The 31 Highway as my mom's receptionist calls it) to go to the bank. When Lo and Behold, I looked up and saw a big ass Christmas tree with a police escort coming down the road. I quickly realized that this was the Christmas tree that goes up in the Shopping Center (The one that Robbie G. and I are obsessed with). I pulled out my camera phone and captured the monstrosity as it paraded in front of the courthouse. As it got closer, I noticed that it already had the ornaments on it!!!!
Then, as I headed back up north to my house... I topped a hill and saw that the Christmas Tree was now in the middle of the road, taking up all four lanes of traffic and was stuck on a power line!
I love Cullman.
Exhibit A: I wish you could see the ornaments.
Exhibit B: The christmas tree equivalent of Fat Guy in a little coat