Aug 13, 2010 21:20
I was walking back from the grocery store, and I was passing one of the bars, I notice what appears to be a rather large gauge earring on the sidewalk.
I toe it, and it is in fact what it appears to be.
I begin my thought of "who the heck leave that large of a gauge of an earring just sitting on the sidewalk ?"
A split second later, I realized the answer was "Someone how has also left a portion of their lobe attached to it."
As I am coming to grips that I have just toed a chunk of lobe, and wondering what the procedure for such a thing was, some drunk dudefella comes out of the bar and staggers over.
"Whatcha lookin' at ?"
"Seems to be someone's earlobe."
"Oh yeah, that's Paul's. We were wondering where it went off too."
As if it just got bored and wandered off.
Drunk Dudfella then picks it up and goes back inside.
As I walk off, I hear "Hey Paul, someone found your ear!"
I guess I'm glad I could help.