May 14, 2003 21:32
They say that davis is allergy capitol of the world. if THATS true, then i am the MAYOR of this WHOLE town. and ill be "raising taxes" if you know what i mean..
and that analogy sucks, i dont even remember what the HELL i was trying to say
my point is
i am seriously the boy with the WORST allergies in all of davis. Last night while i was sleeping, my eyes were getting drier and drier..and CRUSTIER and the time i woke up, both of my eyelids were COMPLETELY sealed shut..i stood up and COULD NOT physically open my eyes...
it was probably the scariest moment of my life
i remember thinking, "it finally happened. i finally went blind."
i had to loosen up the crust with warm water...and had to find my way to the bathroom by sticking my hands out and groping whatever was nearby...thank goodness i keep beautiful naked women laying around (i dont really)(which you already knew)(because i am the loneliest man ever)
also my nose is runny, im sneezing, my throat is sore, yadayada, my life basically sucks
so i tried to deal with the whole allergy thing by buying hellov alone i have eaten:
4 allerest allergy pills
3 tablespoons of day quil
2 anti histamine pills
1 prescription strength claritan pill
1 tylenol cold/sinus pill
that was in the LAST 12 like some horrible drugged out milkshake
none of the medicines are working either...
this isnt like the movies, there are no happy endings in real life