The Official Longest Entry In the World

May 13, 2007 08:22

FIRST of all, I suggest you expand your browser for this entry. These pictures are BIG.

(not unlike certain PARTS of my anatomy....)

(what? my eyes are huge, mr./mrs. mind-in-the-gutter...)

I decided it was Finally time to chart my travels, and give everyone a vague idea of what I've been doing for the last five months.

Now I could romanticize this whole adventure and tell you what an amazing, earth-shattering, soul-fertilizing time I've had...

However, I don't plan to do that.

Like all things in life, this program has pros and cons..

here's the list (tiffany pon style):
[+] The work we do is fun, and the people I work with are hilarious. Laughter is back in my life.

[+] I've met people from ALL walks of life: A kid from the bronx who got jumped every week, republicans from the drrrrty south, Filipino activists from Virginia, half asian indie kids from South Carolina.
I'm slowly being convinced that everyone is pretty similar, once you get past clothes and musical taste.

[+] I learned how to use HUGE, SCARY powertools, and I can pretty much build a house from the ground up. My future son and I are totally building our house together. If he refuses, I'm beating him.

[+] I'm saving the world in a small way, and making some sweet job connections.

[-] I rarely get a moment alone anymore...I swear to god, there's no privacy in Americorps. If I wanted to masturbate, I couldn't do it....not that I want to masturbate or anything...oh god, I've said too much.

[-] We're up at 5:30 a.m. most mornings running 3 miles. Kill me already.

[-] I miss YOU people, you sweet, sexy bastards.

okay now for a short crappy summary of where I've been...

I started my journey by heading from Sacramento to Santa Catalina Island.

The island was absolutely gorgeous, and we spent our days working on scenic mountain tops.
I remember repelling down the side of nearly Vertical mountain at one point, somehow managing to plant shrubs with my one free hand.

Our team got really close on that little floating pile of dirt...

If anyone has been following the news lately, you'll know that everything we did there probably BURNT to the ground.

So it goes.

I'm not kidding when I say I built an eagle cage...that thing was fucking huge, probably the size of the average living room.
The eagle that belonged inside kept making awkward eye contact with me the entire time.
I was pretty close to asking it out for a drink.

Next stop: Washington D.C.

This was a short trip, we were only there for a week or so. In that time, we managed to hit up a few museums and drink plenty of green beer.

Finally, I ended up HERE in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

Pascagoula is famous for a few things:
1. Jimmy Buffet was born here

2. Second to Roswell, New Mexico...Pascagoula had the largest number of people reporting an alien sighting on the same day. I actually MET someone who was around back then. He said something to the effect of "I was there...on that day...that day in 1974...", and then trailed off mysteriously.

3. Barqs root beer was invented in the next town over...people here drink it for BREAKFAST. What. The. Fuck.

I don't actually have pictures of me in Pascagoula uploaded yet, but it's basically just shots of me building houses. It's kindov depressing to see how much Katrina damage is still out here.

I DO, however, have some pictures of our regular trips to New Orleans. I was there last weekend enjoying JazzFest 2007...(which was amazing). We got in for free because we were volunteers.

Anyway, life is good, and I'm almost positive that no one has read THIS far into this entry. If you made it all the way here, I'll seriously pay you $5. I miss you guys!

I'll be back in the bay from May 26th to June 3rd, and May 29th is my birthday. There will definitely be some San Francisco and some Alcohol in the works.
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