Sep 08, 2005 00:29
I wonder if The Byrds (the 70s band that wrote "Turn! Turn! Turn!") were Christians or just liked reading about that crazy dude, Jesus. Either way, it certainly sounds like they read Ecclesiates. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Google the words "the byrds" and "to everything turn turn turn" and read the lyrics. Then grab a Bible and read Ecclesiates. Then I won't sound so crazy.
Speaking of crazy, I felt that little flame of passion inside of me today. I don't know what sparked it, but I have all sorts of crazy ideas that have a lot to do with Dallas and what God has equipped me to do. Well, not so much what He was equipped me to do, but what He's equipped everyone to do. I hate to be a result of an inspirational book, temporarily excited about revolutionary ideas. But I think I have to go back to the root of what Blue Like Jazz was written about. I need to be a result of THE original book with THE revolutionary ideas. Jesus was the crazy guy talking about crazy things. I need to go back and re-read all the stories, aloud, and re-realize everything.
Sometimes you get comfortable about things you know.
"Yeah, Jesus made some guy see again. Made some people walk again. You know. He was amazing." I feel that is how I talk about Him now. That does NOT sound like I am in love with Him ... heck, I talk about my family and friends in more light than that.
I've been so caught up in trying to help my friends understand that love is much more than what they make it out to be and in the midst of things, I put love in its neat little tidy package. Complete with a price tag. Oh, you're going to laugh at my jokes and call me and make me feel special? Well, heck, I'm going to love you a lot! ... Or ... Oh, you're not going to call me, you're going to talk behind my back, and you're not willing to do things my way? Well, heck, no love from me to you!
Love your neighbor...
... as yourself.
I still have a lot to learn about love, but I think I like it that way.
I miss my brother and my friends in Lubbock terribly, but I'm starting to see all this love pent up within my heart doesn't just have to be channeled towards them through the phone. The reason I feel disconnected, the reason I feel like there's so much more is because there is. All this love just burning inside of me is meant for everyone. And where else could be better for me to go than Dallas? Downtown Dallas is just a drive away, the central area of this big, crazy place... I started to do some research and started to realize how much potential there is, how many opportunities there are for a kid like me to go out and love my neighbors. Do I need to spend my money on new clothes? No. Are there people within my city that have been wearing the same clothes all week because that is all they have? Yes. Do I need to buy a package of cookies for the use of my one well-fed stomach? No. Are there people out there that rely on soup kitchens and churches to feed them? Yes. Before you jump on your "Well, I'm sure these people could do something to get back on track and out of the streets and they probably made a lot of wrong decisions to get themselves there in the first place" horse, should that even matter? Are these people taking advantage of you? Probably not. I sure as heck not wouldn't leave what I have now for a life on the streets, living off of other people's charities.
Anyway. It's been awhile since I've jumped on a soapbox. I'll hop off for now and get some shut eye.