Where have [I] been all my life?

Jun 27, 2011 23:10

Yeah, I'm soooo funny, right?! Not. :P But seriously, I couldn't come up with a title of this, apart from the lame joke above. =___= And people wonder why I'm currently not updating my fics. Lack of inspiration... Oh, and then the fact that all of the plots that I've got become angst-aholical when I start writing new chapters...


I only wanted to post that world map thingy which shows people which countries that I've been to, so yeah, here is it... hopefully...

http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=-70,-180,80,180&chs=450x300&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9999999999999&chld=BE|DK|FI|FR|DE|GR|IT|MT|NL|ES|SE|GB|US" width="450" height="300" >
visited 13 states (5.77%)
Create">http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=world">Create your own visited map of The World


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