Ahhh, what a great weekend!

Aug 29, 2005 09:04

After the sh*t I've been subjected to for the last 8 weeks, I deserved to have some fun. Altho I did the Booster con, which was fun, and then Moonlight Rising con (which was THE bestest!) I still had a weekend of fun ahead...

Friday Aug 26 not being a day I wanted to spend alone, my friends coerced me into this trip and I love them so dearly for it.
Frosty, Chickie & I road tripped to L.A. on Friday to see the Steve Carlson Band. Steve & the guys kicked ass yet again at the Hotel Cafe. It was great to see Steve, TJ, Steve Dress, Dave, and Daddy & Mama Carlson yet again. Steve Carlson has gained my undying loyalty for taking the time to do a very special photo - which is framed & sitting on the tv top already. It made my weekend, let me tell you. But just the fact that the timing of this show allowed me to get out of town and be with two of my 'sisters', to laugh & play with, to distract me & be there for my comfort, really did me good. Thanks Steve!

We went to Santa Barbara the next day, and had a wonderful time just puttering about. Frosty had some fun in the sand, Chickie melted, and I laughed. We shopped on State Street, and ate at the Santa Barbara Shellfish Co. Then it was a tedious drive to the only hotel we could find with availability - in Lompoc. It happened to work out though, since it took about 20 mins the next morning to get to our last "road trip destination" - Solvang. Solvang is a quaint little Dutch village with an outstanding restaurant called Paula's Pancake House, and an assortment of shops. We had a great time there as well - with me buying out the mystic shop.
Then it was home from there - about 3 hours more.

This morning I took Frosty to the airport and didn't want to let her go. *sniff*

My friends have no idea how much they give me without actually 'giving' me a thing. To laugh as much & as hard as I did on these last trips - it's a truly amazing gift and I am in awe of the love & comfort these women provide me even when they have their own issues to deal with.

Frosty, Chickie, B, Stac, and Fiona: You are the best sisters & friends I could ever have asked for. And come to think of it, I could never have asked for what we have because I never knew it existed until I met you amazing women.

I know we will have our arguments/spats; even we have our "days". Our friendships are not infallible.
But through thick & thin, you are loved beyond belief.
The mansion WILL exist one day, and we will have a grand time in our old age chasing young men together.

You are truly my sisters - every one of you - and you have my love, loyalty, and friendship for eternity.
Thank you for everything.
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