Nov 20, 2008 11:08

I was so pissed that she had managed to do this to me again, in conjunction with her pure lack of judgment regarding the rent that I was seething when I got to work.

I proceeded to finish the spreadsheets and loan agreement paperwork, got the 30 day notice printed from a legal website, printed the amendment to her car loan agreement and called my boss to let him know I had an emergency and would be back in a few hours.

I called my neighbor and asked her to be my witness for what I was about to do. Have her sign the loan docs and serve her the notice. When I got to my house, I had to pound on her bedroom door to wake her up at 9:30 in the morning. Must be nice.

I handed her the loan papers, pointing out the breakdown on the spreadsheets, including how much I could’ve gone after (back rent & such) and told her sign it or not, it’s up to you. She signed.

I presented her with the amendment to her car loan agreement, which removed me from liability if she defaulted.
Then I told her I had a family to rent ½ the house and that I could not afford to pass up the offer; I served her notice.

Being the person I am, I would never have allowed her to walk out without somewhere to go. I offered to help her search for an affordable room to rent near her job, to which her response was to mumble and stomp away.

Side note: I would only be able to search online at work because she had managed to contract multiple viruses on my home computer so that it wouldn’t even boot. Of course, she claims that it wasn’t her and she has no idea about it b/c it worked a few days before. I almost lost pics that are irreplaceable because of it. My bad for not backing it up, hers for ignoring my policy on no downloads.

I also told her that I didn’t appreciate her eating all my food to which her reply was, “I haven’t exactly had the best week, Lis” and “I was going to replace that stuff when I got paid Friday” Really????? When had she EVER done that in the past?

She found a co-worker who needed a roommate closer to her work, though she never disclosed exactly where. I tried to be helpful as I did feel some sense of guilt for having to ask her to leave and sorrow that our friendship was going to end. I even allowed her to take some things with her that I’d gotten for her use. She was out within a matter of days.

friends, fraud

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