Trek IDs

Mar 29, 2011 22:52

I have an update on the Star Trek TOS themed IDs that I'm doing for seeds_of_chaos and myself.  =]  The lineart is done~

I was pretty slow on it because I admit I was watching something as I was doing it and probably watching that more than actually doing the lineart.  However SAI is really nice in that lineart is vector based so I can move the points to make a nice smooth line...  But..  (of course there's a but,) The amount of points it puts in to make the line are sometimes crazy ridiculous.  Some of the lines become tedious.

REGARDLESS.  Here it is so far.  =]  Not sure if I'll be able to post tomorrow since I'll be at work from 1-10.  I'll still try.

Blue Shirt Danni and Gold Shirt Sam.  =]

star trek, deviantart, seeds_of_chaos

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