So it's Friday night and I'm sitting in the hospital parking lot in the van...in the "Emergency Vehicles ONLY" spot with the van running so I can keep this cheap laptop's battery running. -_-;
Because my hubby wanted to be a nice guy and cover for his friend's shift. So he's on call right now...and BOY are they calling him in! SUCKS! Stupid hospitals and stupid ER and stupid STAT tests. >_<;
It's just...well...annoying...
I *am* thankful that I have the laptop - and the internet. It would be super lame to just be stuck sitting here. This is what happens when we decide to go out when Sean's on call. I end up sitting in hospital parking lots for hours on end.
There has been too much of sitting and waiting in cars in my life. *le sigh*
So let me take a little bit of time to update my poorly neglected LJ and try desperately to catch up on my friends on LJ. Heh...
I tried. I did, honest. I just want all you on my f-list to know that I do *read* most of your stuff, I'm just so busy and doing everything on the fly that I can't usually take the time to comment. ;_; I suck, I know. I sorry. :(
Let's see...so I got these cool new flip flops - the fitflops. They seem to actually work on the working out your muscles and burning more calories as you walk like they claim too. I just had to try them. I got them from
B&B Works.
March is my busiest month out of the whole year. Just in case you didn't know that about me. -_-
So, I'm pretty much flailing all over the place...
Yesterday, we got all the
FREEing Haruhi Suzumiya bunny figures in that had been on pre-order. We got so many cases of figures yesterday it was scary. Spent the whole day shipping out boxes, collecting payments from the unpaid pre-orders and such. We also got the
Shuraki Char's - which is possibly one of the most beautiful figures I've ever seen - I mean WOAH. W*e had one of the pre-orders on her cancel, so we listed it up on the site and it sold within like an hour or something crazy. I kind-of knew it would, but I was sad to see the last one go too. We also got the
Art of Shunya Yamashita Petra's - also a totally gorgeous figure. And we got a few other ones in as well. Pre-order fulfillment days are pretty insane for us. >_> Not to mention all the regular orders we receive and fulfilling those as well. But it's fun in it's own way sometimes, I guess. LOL....
I think I'm finally starting to really get used to the whole I run an anime store bit. O_o;
We got a big shipment in from Japan on Monday too. That was another crazy day. We got some cool stuff though, I'm excited about them anyways. I still need to add most of it to the site though. >_>
Been having trouble on the ps.net forums with ads popping up out of nowhere. The girls and I have been busy and the prom is coming up soon. I still need to make the forums up for it. I also need to finally finish the RKRC and SMRC. *sighs* I'm just tooo busy! WAH!
I have been reading some really good mangas lately though. I definitely need to type up some manga reviews here, there are some cute new ones I read recently.
OH...and I'm done with the final tweaks of chapter 8 of Never Forgotten my current PoT fanfic. I've got it uploaded on ff.net, but I'm adding a reviewers party and then I'm going to post it up. I'm almost done with that. I should just post it here in my LJ for the one person that's been kind enough to read and review it here. *huggles
Yes...I shall do that. Then I'll try to finish work on my reviewer's party and maybe procrastinate by playing some Neopets in the meantime. Heh.