I've been tweeting today about...

May 24, 2010 20:02

I'm a busy Bunny, but I usually have a second to tweet a bit each day. If you leave me a comment about my tweets, I will read it and I will reply (as appropriate) ♥

12:33 I'm in juneau Alaska. The inside passage is gorgeous. I almost cried this morning when I woke up it was so stunning. #

16:00 Just landed from dog mushing helicopter trip on mendenhal glacier. Omg, amazing. #

16:04 twitgoo.com/x50mr #
My friends, if you have something epic and/or you want to share with me about what you're up to, please leave it in a comment, I will hop to LJ quick as a bunny to read all about it because I ♥ U!

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