Dec 24, 2006 05:15
Life isn't bad.
It's amazing how when you are on break from school, it is expected to rest up for next semester. However usually that's bullshit since most of us have to work. It's been Zales every day which isn't too bad. I've sold 20,000 in jewlery in the last 4 shifts I've worked which raises my hourly to about 15 dollars. Sweet.
All my presents are bought...well most of them anyways.
Damnation of Faust music should be arriving soon which would be swell since rehearsal begins in less then a month. All memorized by February 10thish for Symphony Hall and Carnegie Hall performances. After that John tells us which 120 of us get to go on tour with the BSO.
Groovy. Pick me...I enjoy free trips to Europe.
Anyone want to go skiing in Vermont over break?...assuming it snows....
Holiday Pops is almost over...only two performances left for me. The last two involved wonderful meals at Brassier Jo's...mmmmmmm....parisian steak...fried potatos...french I like it. The music is good...doing the Grinch is fun but gets old after mindless repetition. The third number is L'adorazione dei Magi from three Botticelli pieces by Respighi.....which is totally deeply beautiful. Listen to it if you haven't already.