Breaking eggs.

Sep 22, 2003 14:04

I wish life would just slow the fuck down. It's going mighty fast lately. Unless I'm at Meijers. Then it seems to stop. I wish it were the other way around.

Things are going good. Except I'm uber-busy. Tonight, I will be in 77 Greene or ResComp in EQ all night long, doing homework. You know. Drawing abstract lines, writing stories, and making up poems about nature. Yahoo.

I'm trying very hard lately not to count my chickens before they hatch. In certain regards, there are a lot of eggs in the basket. I don't want to hurt any of the eggs, but I'm worried that some of the eggs will suffocate the other eggs, or roll over on the other eggs and break them, and then all the eggs will go bad. So maybe it's best to get rid of one or two of the eggs, in an attempt to take better care of all of the other eggs. But what if the eggs that I keep aren't really eggs at all, but egg-shaped rocks, and I've just been tricked into thinking that they are eggs? This is confusing, because normally, in my life, there's only one egg, or a bunch of rotten eggs, or all my friends have eggs and let me borrow there's.

This anology has gone on way too long, but that's okay. You are not required to "get it," as normally, i am the one only who "gets" my way of thinking. And I sort of like it that way.

Gotta run. Because life keeps me from sitting down for too long.
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