Feb 05, 2006 23:22
* please feel free to revert back to this journal at any point and time when your own unaccomplished self is looking for a quick ego boost.
ridiculous, absolutely fucking ridiculous.
so i hadnt checked my email in quite some time or this website
and it appears i have a bit of a one man fan club.
i can't believe at this stage in the game
people are actually pathetic, immature, ignorant fucks
with absolutely nothing else better to do with their lives than come on
MY LIVEJOURNAL and post anonymous shit.
i could see if i was browsing along and happened to stumble on someone
saying a bunch of stuff about me
but you sought me out, read ALL of my journal entries and posted
haha. im glad you learnt how to use the 'anonymous post' feature.
oh god.
so im a two timing, ugly whore who is completely self absorbed.
maybe i am.
but at the end of the day, you're still pathetic. go jump in a lake.