Oct 14, 2007 22:11
Okay, so I know like two weeks ago I felt like complete crap.
Well... Here's to a new life because "Baby, I'm letting go!"
All the drama that was going on was completely stupid &overrated.
I don't even understand people sometimes. It wasn't even DRAMA! Ugh.
I honestly would've never made it thru if it wasn't for my bff, my boyfriend, and cupcakes. =]
But in other words,
I'm pretty happy that tomorrow will be my last midterm for at least another week till another one comes up.
My teachers have this fetish on giving midterms out every week!
My FIDM interview is coming up. I am soo excited after hearing how amazing it is from Linda!
Christmas is almost here, only two more months and OMG. I'm pretty much excited and know that this will be the best Christmas ever, despite the fact that my Dad is leaving with my brother for three weeks across the country. Its just going to be me and my mom at home, but Allen is coming over to keep us company. I can't wait for all the festivities that I'm going to do with my BFF. Its gonna be amazing. Allen is taking us ice skating and we're going to chestnut. Christmas in the park here we come & omg christmas party with cupcakes? LOL. Allen and I have already started our christmas shopping like last week. I've bought a Wii for my brother. Hopefully he likes it. And I bought my bff this amazing thing. Its like omg amazing, so amazing I want to keep it. LOL.
Tomorrow Allen and I are going cupcake hunting. And I'm serious too.
We're gonna try and find these cupcakes in San Francisco that I'm hoping to bring to the Christmas party at Nikki's.
And screw the black and white party, we're going to disneyland babbbbyy! Ughh I cannot wait.
Basically, its amazing to be me right now. So amazing. LOL