(no subject)

Oct 07, 2009 23:42

So. I'm on a little fanfic reading hiatus. I just can't stand the perfect Edward or Harry or Derek because it reminds me that I'm no where near having one these as my own or anything near that. I can't read more angst because it makes me more angsty and depressed. I can't read anymore comedies because it makes me sad that my life is not filled with laughter like that. I can't read the family bonding fics or ones with a loving group of friends as substitutes because I don't have that either.

And due to the above reasons, I have stopped reading anything at the moment which makes me very, very, very bored.

And boredness leads to me reminising back to my drunken first kiss/making out because that's the only experience that I've had and it was not bad to say the least and it was pretty memorable (at least to me). Damn, being a loner is really hard to get some action.



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