Dec 16, 2004 03:08
So I keep reading all these books and random things that all say the same thing about finding yourself and creativity and all that jazz... and to sum it up... all of these authors think the general public is drawn towards uniformity, but its sooooo not true. Most everyone i know out there wants more than anything to have and find others with true uniqueness.
I think where we all keep going wrong in this whole "being yourself" and "being oringinal" thing we all try so hard to do is that we depend on others to create ourselves. We use brand names, catchy mass produced bumper stickers, characters, idols, religions, political favoritism, even bands and movies, and favorite colors to define who we are when none of these things have anything to do being natural or individual.
I guess what I'm getting at is that these authors have some awesome ideas that they present so articulately and eloquently, but their foundation of thought is all wrong. We all want to be ourselves. (although sometimes it's difficult when one gets lost in designing themself into a perfect individual.) We don't want to conform. And finding one's self is not even a real issue for most people. I think the real issue is learning to accept individuality as something that you don't need to find or buy for that matter. I've read a good share of self help books that only reintroduced underlying knowledge that everyone already has for only $12.99 in the US and $16.99 in canada.
loving one's self in a way where we can find peace is absolutely natural, i believe. it's tring to find new ways to love ourselves and be ourself that throws us off.
on another note
Moby suggests in the essay of 18 that the way to, I guess, fix all the problems is for everyone to do and think and be exactly what the feel is right "so long as it doesn't restrict anyone else's right" to do as they please. I'm reading a book by some random buddhist guy that basically is saying the same thing in a 200 page book.
All I can say is uhmmmm Helllloooooo???
Isn't that what everyone is doing anyway? we all just do whatever we want, dont we?
im so down for doing whatever i want all the time but i don't think that that method will really resolve anything
The trick is to accept all of the individual characteristics we all posses as well as accept each other's right to be different. and lets all just stop trying to be different, because it's a complete waste of energy.
I feel very free. not free enough, but I'm feelin fine for sure.
I become one with the sparrows today. It was incredible.