Oct 08, 2005 09:07
yesterday was an eventful day. I had to run group pictures 1st hour, and it was hectic because mr. biederwolf read off the wrong list in the morning sayin it was the revised one...so people wernt showing up with they were suppose to, people take too damn long to write their names so we totally got rid of that....the photographer was a creeper and kept sneaking up behind me to ask me dumb questions. oh yea, and hes like "ok larissa, line em up!" im just thinking to myself, "what the hell, your the fucking photographer, i dont know what im doing?? isnt that ur whole job dumbass?" wow, he was sooo wierd.
then i had practice afterschool, and it went good, and we got our peprally shirts in today so that made me really happy :) After practice me and leader went to groesbeck and we visited mazzenga at work and he just stood there and shook his head. it was pretty funny. then we went to lakeside to look for stuff for our peprally outfits. we couldnt find blue tights, im upset, lol anyone know where we could find some?